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Gray and I finally decided to leave that muddy bank, after minutes of laying on it in pure relief. Also, to make sure that dinosaur was actually gone. We don't need that thing coming back for us when we thought we were safe once again.

I made Gray walk in front of me as we headed down what seemed to be a path. I hoped with my everything that it lead back to the park. I had absolutely no clue where we were at the moment, which did not help my panic at all.

Of course, Andy wasn't here when we needed her the most. I bet she knew this entire island like the back of her hand-


My panic increased even more as the image of her gorgeous, perfect face was painted in my mind, and I gulped. Did the dinosaur make it to the park? Was she safe, indoors somewhere? Has she been harmed? Jesus Christ, the thought of her hurt made me sick to my stomach. I had to know if she was okay, we had to get back to the park.

But, how?

"Look!" Gray suddenly exclaimed and broke off into a jog towards something he spotted on the ground. I quickly followed after him to make sure he didn't accidentally trip over his own feet or something; I'm a protective brother like that.

He took the small object in his hands and I looked over his shoulder, seeing it was a helmet. I grabbed it from his hands and my eyes slightly widened at the sight of it being cracked, and also splattered in blood, on top of that. Horrified, I quickly threw it aside.

I caught a glimpse of something through the trees, not far away. Gray obviously saw it too, and began to run towards it, him being a curious kid and all. I, of course, was right behind him so he didn't do anything stupid. 

We then entered an opening in the trees, and in that opening was an SUV smashed against some sort of wall. It was sparking every few seconds, telling me that some of the wires have shorted out. I'm just going to take a wild guess here, but I'm sure that's Asset Containment's vehicle. That made my panic increase even more. 

I put my arm out in front of Gray, without even looking over to him. "Stay here." I felt his small hands grab a hold of my arm, and I wanted to roll my eyes. Of course he didn't listen, why am I not surprised? 

We were a couple feet from the truck now, and I glanced it over carefully. I suddenly got the idea to fix it so we could drive it back to the park, but my idea was short lived. There were no tools around, and we would honestly probably get electrocuted if we tried to fix it. I quietly sighed in defeat, and walked around the other side, Gray trailing behind me.

That's when I saw it.

A large door stood not far away, hiding behind many hanging vines and tree limbs. My curiosity got the best of me, and I headed over to it, my eyes furrowed. Gray followed behind me, but of course, that wasn't a surprise.

I slipped out of Gray's grip, placing my hands on the large wooded doors to push them open. The doors were quite heavy, and I think Gray noticed my struggle, because he stood beside me and began to push too. Together, we were finally able to open them, and we stepped inside. 

I feel like we didn't even leave the jungle, because we basically walked into another one. But this one was dark, and. . .empty. Not to mention, there was a huge glass dome above it all, with some light seeping through into the enclosure. 

My foot almost tripped over something in the grass as we were walking and I bent down to pick it up, seeing it was a decent-sized bone in the shape of a Y. I then noticed something barely peeking out from under the grass. I picked that up as well, realizing it was a ripped up banner. 

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