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"You need us?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow up at Owen, then back at her. "For what?" Great, what favor did she need now? She seemed to be asking me for favors a lot these days.

"Mr. Masrani wants you two to inspect the new dinosaur's enclosure before the exhibit opens," she said, her eyes flickering between the two of us.

"New dinosaur?" I questioned, my eyebrows furrowing. I hadn't heard of any new dinosaurs hatching, other than the ones we already had.

"Yes," she looked at me as if I was thick-headed. "She was genetically engineered in our labs."

"You just went and made a new dinosaur?" Owen asked.

That's great, I thought. Because real dinosaurs that should be extinct aren't amazing enough.

"Yeah, it's kinda what we do here," she said, resting one of her hands on one of the metal tables, then quickly took it off when she saw how dirty it was. "The exhibit opens to the public in three weeks, and Mr. Masrani wanted me to consult with the two of you. We would like you and Ms. Baker to check the paddock for vulnerabilities."

"Why us?" I asked. It didn't make sense, really. There was a lot of other workers here that could do it, why were we so special?

"I guess that Mr. Masrani thinks, since you're both able to control the raptors-" she began.

"It's all about control with you, isn't it?" Owen cut her off. My attempt to hold my laughter back, failed, and I let out a snort, followed by a fit of giggles. Owen glanced over at me with a wide smile and nudged my side with his elbow. "Good one, right?"

I was about to nod, but was interrupted by Claire glaring at the two of us. I guess that was kinda rude, wasn't it? "Okay, look. We don't control the raptors." I told her, in attempt to get rid of that pissed off look on her face. "It's a relationship based on mutual respect."

"And that's why you and I never had a second date," Owen finished for me. I cracked a smirk. Jesus, he was on fire today.

"Can we just focus on the asset please?" she asked as she rolled her eyes.

I scoffed. "The 'asset'? Are you kidding me?" I was beyond pissed now. These animals are more than just freakin' assets. "Look, I get it. You gotta make a lot of decisions around here. But these animals are more than just numbers on a spreadsheet. They're alive."

"I'm fully aware they're alive."

"You might have made them in a test tube, but they don't know that." I continued. "They're thinking: I gotta eat, I gotta hunt, I gotta..." I punched the air, referencing to sexual activity, making Zach let out a loud snort as he tried to control his own laughter. I smiled a bit at my achievement. 

"You can relate to at least one of those things, right?" Owen spoke up once more. I rolled my eyes and gave him a look that said shut up before you get fired, moron. He smirked, but didn't say anything else snarky after that.

"Whatever, just meet me at the enclosure in twenty minutes, okay?" she said, showing a smile that even I knew was fake.

"Wait," Zach butted in as he stepped forward. "Right now?"

"Yeah, is that okay?" Claire asked him.

"I-I just, uh, thought she was going to show us around some more-" he began.

"Oh! Right!" Claire interrupted him. A flash of anger washed over me, and my fists clenched slightly. I absolutely hated the way she interrupted people, it was totally rude. "I got a new tour guide for you two, she's going to be meeting you at the T-Rex exhibit in fifteen minutes, and her name is Zara." She informed them.

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