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"Shhh..." I soothed to Echo, who was currently in her stall, along with the other girls. She wouldn't stop shuffling under the metal clamp that held her jaws together, so I began to run my hand across her face to calm her. "Oh, stop you little shit. I can tell you're excited. This will be your first time out of the yard. Just don't kill any good people, okay?" It was then I noticed the asshole that put this all together was heading in my direction, making my stomach bubble with slight anger. Or was it annoyance? Probably both. "You can go ahead and kill him. He deserves it."

"Try not to punch me again, kid," Hoskins started as he approached, that fucked up grin plastered on his face. I wanted nothing more than to smack it off again. "I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I think you'd be a great asset to the team. You are coming along, right?"

"No," I answered quickly, not meeting his eyes. "Owen told me to stay behind."

"So, you just follow everything he says?" He asked, looking at me as if I was think-headed. "Why the hell would you do that? These are your raptors, too. Don't you have a say in it?"

"He knows what's best for me," I snapped. I knew exactly what this asshole was trying to do. I may have only known him for ten minutes, but he seemed like a person that could get under a person's skin, and drive them crazy. I must have been his next victim.

"Does he really?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow. He didn't sound like he was challenging me, it was more of a curious tone. But I was smart enough not to fall for it. "He must really care about you. I wonder what would happen if he didn't make it out there."

This fucking jerk.

I stepped around Echo's cage and got in his face, not caring I had to stand on my toes to do so. "Don't you dare even think about laying a finger on him, or-"

"Or you'll what?" he asked, amusement glinting his eyes. I stepped away, but my intense stare on him still held. He then glanced down to Echo who had began shuffling in her cage and growling under her breath. "Hey boy, shut it. I don't need you screwing this up for me."

"It's a girl, stupid ass. They're all girls." I told him, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning against Echo's cage. He just furrowed his eyes. "What, you didn't feel like doing any research before you came up with this retarded plan? Huh, thought you were smarter than that. Oh, wait..." I didn't get to finish my little rant because he quickly turned around and stalked off. I smiled at my achievement. 

"Hey, Andy!" Owen's voice called out across the lot. I combed the area for him, finally seeing him at a table not too far away. "Will you come here for a second?" I quickly nodded before heading his way.

Hoskins' words replayed in my mind on the way over, and I began to feel something I haven't felt in a long time. I was feeling worry; worry towards Owen. I knew Owen could handle this, he was strong. But there was still the slightest chance that even he wouldn't make it, even though I hated to admit it.

"What's up?" I asked as cooly as I could when I approached. There were a couple unloaded guns that had seemed to be pushed off to the side, while a map of the woods surrounding us covered their spot. I smirked, slightly. "C'mon Owen, do I have to do everything around here?" I teased, and grabbed a clip to begin filling it with the needed ammo.

"I was actually just calling you over to do that. Thanks, kid." he said. There was no emotion in his voice, and that killed my heart. Even if there was, it would've been aggravated and stressed. That broke my heart even more. 

"You better not die out there," I blurted, looking up at him while I still continued to fill the clip. 

"Are you afraid to lose me?" he questioned, arching an eyebrow out of tease. 

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