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My small fingers wrapped more tightly around the barrel of my rifle that rested between my legs as Owen veered off the gravel road and into the grassy plain. I let out a long sigh, my eyes focused on the scenery of the surrounding forest to try and clam my panic. It didn't help, of course.

If I hadn't left Zach and Grey, this wouldn't be happening right now. Why did I have to be so stupid?

"Hey, you alright, kid?" Owen suddenly spoke from the uncomfortable silence.

I didn't even have to look over at him to know he was talking to me. "No, I'm not," I answered honestly. I felt his hand rest on my wrist that was resting on the center console before rubbing circles onto my skin with his thumb. I know he was trying to be comforting, and I love him for that, but trust me when I say that nothing would calm my nerves right now. 

"How the hell did this even happen?" I blurted. That's when the memories came back of the my first encounter with the I-Rex. I shifted in my seat and looked back to Claire, suddenly being overcome by anger, not knowing where it even came from in my stage of panic. "Oh, that's right. You weren't smart enough to realize the dangers of creating a genetic hybrid beast, so you went along with it, not caring that lives would be put at risk."

Her eyebrows shot up in total shock and confusion. "Excuse me, but I had no idea-"

"Also," I cut her off. "If I were to have stayed with Zach and Grey, and not have done yet another favor for you, they wouldn't have been put in this situation right now, you bitc-"

"Would you two knock it off?!" Owen yelled, immediately making me shut my mouth, just because he's scary when he's mad. "Look, Andy, I understand why you're upset right now, and trust me, I can't disagree with you. But arguing about about it at a moment like this, won't help anything. And about Zach, I know how you feel about him, so I'll make damn sure to reunite you with him, and Grey for that matter."

I heard Claire shuffle in her seat, then feeling her presence between Owen and I. "Hold on, what exactly do you feel towards my nephew?" 

I was about to reply with something snarky, but Owen suddenly slowed the car down until it came to a stop. Confused, I looked around to see why the hell he would stop, only to see an Apotasaurus laying in the grass before us. I know as huge as these dinosaurs get, they never lay down, so I knew right away something was wrong with it. I didn't even wait for Owen to put the car in park before I quickly exited.

My heart sunk at the sight. There were deep gashes in its legs and along its torso and it was clearly in pain. There was no mistaking that the I-Rex had done this, I knew it. I didn't hesitate to run to its aid. 

I knelt by her head and began running my hand up and down her next to comfort her. A moan escaped her mouth as her breathing began to slow, making me suck in a shaky breath and it got harder to hold the tears back.

She was suffering. She was dying, and there was nothing I could do. This poor herbivore got caught in the crossfire of a cruel carnivore, and I couldn't help her. That hurt the most. 

"Shh, It's okay," I soothed. I was surprised I could even talk. My throat was on fire from trying to hold back my crying.

She let out one last bellow, before her eyelids slowly closed forever. There was no use holding the tears back now, so I let them fall, not caring that I have a thing against crying in front of people. I took my hand away from her neck and rested it in my lap, lacing my fingers, before looking down as I cried.

My heart-no-my everything, ached for her. She didn't deserve this.

Damn this world.

I felt someone kneel next to me, and hesitantly looked up, meeting Owen's familiar blue eyes. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. My head almost instantly fell on his shoulder and my arms snaked around his torso as the tears kept flowing. I'm sure my tears began to fall on his shirt, but then again, I'm sure he didn't care.

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