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"Get the kids somewhere safe," Owen told Claire as he stormed off between two buildings, leaving us behind. "I have an asshole to go deal with."

"Whoa, hold the fuck up," I started and followed after him, stepping in from of him to stop him in his tracks. "What do you mean you have an asshole to deal with? Where the hell are you going?" He dropped his gaze down to where he was avoiding mine, which made me take another step towards him. Something is definitely wrong. "What's going on, Owen?"

He shook his head. "I-" He began, but was cut off by the sound of yet another helicopter above us, which made my eyes furrow in confusion at the sky. I caught a glimpse of the lettering on the side which spelled out InGEN in bold letters, before it flew out of sight.

I glanced back over to Owen, who looked rather guilty to say the least, before crossing my arms over my chest. "What the hell are you hiding from me, Grady? And don't make up some bullshit story, either."

"Fine, fine." He let out a long sigh, while running his fingers through his sweaty hair. "You remember Hoskins?"

I thought for a second, before I vaguely remembered the man that Owen has despised for quite some time. I've asked Owen about the man a few times, but he would always tell me to drop the subject. I never knew why Owen hated him so much. "I remember, yes."

"Well, he's been trying to take the girls and use them by strapping cameras around their heads and turning them into weapons for the government. He's been telling me these absurd plans of his but I've always kinda brushed it off, thinking that he wouldn't actually have the balls to do it. I guess now that the I-Rex escaped, he found his chance." Owen explained.

I took a step back as disbelief overcame my anger from just minutes ago. "Wh-What the hell? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I had the best intentions, Andy, I really did." He told me, his blue eyes softening as he closed the gap between us and rested one of his hands on my upper arm. "I didn't want you dragged into it like I was. I didn't want that asshole to try and talk you into it, like he did to me. I was trying to protect you, that's why I didn't tell you. Like I said, I didn't think he'd have the balls to do it, I didn't think something like this would happen."

"Owen, these are my raptors, too. I deserve to know what's going on with them," I said, feeling a little less angry than I had been. I understand that he was trying to protect me, and I love him for that, I'm just upset that he kept it from me.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I should've told you but I was just-"

"Trying to protect me. As always," I finished for him with a slight smile. "I get it. I'd probably do the same if I was in your shoes."

"Great! Now that you two made up, can we please go somewhere where there isn't bird dinosaurs flying around?!" Zach yelled from behind Owen, and I noticed one of the birds began to fly our way, as it had found our hiding spot.

Before I could grab my gun from my shoulder, Owen already had his out and aimed its way. After a couple bullets, it finally crashed down right by Owen's feet, but he didn't seem phased by it. "Claire, grab the boys. We gotta go." he called back to her and started walking once more. I followed behind him, looking up at the sky to see if any other birds. There didn't seem to be any that were as intelligent as the first, since they just continued to fly over the buildings. 

A hand slipped in my own, and I found myself smiling when I glanced up at Zach. His hair was literally a mess, telling me he has ran his fingers through it multiple times; I notice he does that when he's under stress. A layer of sweat was covering his arms and his forehead, probably from the humidity, and I could tell he was tired of running, since there was a slight limp in his step.

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