t h i r t e e n

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this is the last actual chapter omg 


Fifteen minutes has passed since the group left. They have yet to return.

I could hear the guns firing in the distance, and it was being echoed by the cameras on the iPad that Claire was hogging in the front cab making my knee begin to bounce nervously as I sat on Zach's lap. I wondered how Owen was doing, if he was still alive. I wondered if the girls had been hurt. Shit, I was even worried for Hoskins' men.

"Andy?" It was Zach. I turned to look at him, biting my lip. He looked just as nervous as I was. "Remember what I said, okay? You have to be strong for Owen...we all do."

 I nodded quickly and looked away. "I know, I'm trying."

"Guys?" Another quiet voice came into the conversation and I looked to my left, where Gray was sitting with his arms wrapped around his knees. "What will happen if we don't make it out?" He sniffed a couple tears back, and it felt like a stab wound to the heart to see him this scared and upset.

I stood up from Zach's lap and knelt down in front of Gray so I could be eye level with him. "Bud, we don't have to worry about not making it out. You wanna know why? Because even if it's the last thing I do, I'm making damn sure you guys are leaving here in one piece. Everything I do from now on, will be to protect you, even if that means risking my own life-"

"Andy, wait," Zach cut in, standing up. "You can't be serious-"

"No, Zach, I am serious." I said. Tears began to well up in my eyes, but I pushed them back and wrapped my arms around myself as I stood up. "Can I admit something? It scares the shit out of me what I would do to save you two. You guys didn't deserve any of this."

"And neither did you." Zach argued lightly and took a step forward to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. "But, you want to know what's surprising? It also scares the shit out of me what I would do to keep you safe."

"That means we fight," Gray stated from the side. "We fight to protect each other."

I let a smile begin to form on my face. "That might be the best idea we've had all day." I then held out my arm and Gray took the hint, hopping up from his seat and running to my side. The three of us formed a group hug, and I have to admit, this was the most relaxed I have felt all fucking day.

My relaxation was short-lived when Claire's screams could be heard, and terror leapt through me as the back doors opened right after. More screams filled the air as the opening doors revealed an InGen guy covered in blood yelling for us to run.

I quickly ran to the man's side to help him in. Only, he didn't make it. The three of us erupted into our own yells as the man was ripped back outside by one of the raptors, just as the truck began to drive away. I fell back from the sudden acceleration.

Through the back doors that were still open, I could see Delta catching up. I took that as my sign to get back to my feet and back away. "Step on it, Claire!" I yelled and pounded on the wall that divided us.

The raptor seemed to only be getting closer at this point, so I looked around the area or anything I could use for protection. There was a line of taser sticks along the wall, and that gave me an idea. I grabbed one and quickly turned it on, making the electricity come alive. 


Just as my name left Gray's mouth, I spun around in time as the raptor screeched and lunged itself into the cab. I wasted no time doing what had to be done. I took my hair band out of the ponytail that I had made earlier and I wrapped the band around the button. My plan had worked, and with adrenaline pumping through me, I threw the stick at Delta. She screeched again, louder this time, as the stick shocked her enough to make her stumble and fall back out of the cab. 

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