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Owen and I finally made it to the exhibit after a five minute drive filled with us both arguing. About Zach of course, because Owen obviously knew I had a thing for him and he was being the protective father figure he always is. I didn't really mind though, he at least cared. It's been a while since someone has at least wanted to protect me from others.

The familiar white BMW SUV met us at the front entrance, and Owen and I hopped out of the golf cart, just as the the same beige heels from earlier stepped out of the drivers side of the car.

"I forgot to thank you guys for coming on such a short notice, so thank you." Claire told us as we approached her.

I ignored her statement as I looked up at the enclosure in awe. The paddock was huge; huge as in tall. It was a good 45-50 feet, and the construction crew seemed to be building the cement walls even higher.

"What the hell did they make?" I muttered to myself as I followed behind Owen who was walking behind Claire who was leading us into the enclosure.

"We've been pre-booking tickets for months, " Claire said as she lead the way up the stairs, and into the viewing room. Thick walls surrounded the wide hallway and the wall facing the inside of the enclosure was covered in glass. Bulletproof, hopefully. "The park needs a new attraction every few years to up the wow factor."

"They're dinosaurs," Owen mumbled, and rolled his eyes when Claire wasn't looking. "Wow enough."

"Not according to our focus groups," Claire shot back. "The Indominous Rex makes us relevant again."

"Indominous Rex? Really?" Owen laughed and I smiled.

Claire frowned at us. "We wanted something scary and easy to pronounce. You should hear a child try to say Archaeornithomimus."

Owen suddenly stopped walking in front of me, causing me to run into his back. "You should hear you try to say it," he whispered. I smiled and rolled my eyes before shoving his shoulder, which didn't do much. Seriously, have you seen his biceps? Jesus.

I looked out into the forest-y enclosure, barely catching a glimpse of something etched into the glass. My eyes narrowed as I slowly walked toward it, noticing it was a crack.

I pointed to the fracture. "What happened here?" I asked. Claire and Owen both looked to where was pointing and Owen arched an eyebrow.

"She, uh, tried to break the glass," Claire simply said, and I nodded in understanding. Some dinosaurs aren't very tame when they're here, so it's understandable that they can get feisty at sometimes. The raptors are like that all the time.

"So, what exactly is this thing?" I asked Claire, who was tapping away on the tablet in the corner.

"That is classified information," she told me. I rolled my eyes at her response and crossed my arms over my chest. God, she was in a bitchy mood today. "Even I don't know all of it."

"You made a new dinosaur, but you don't even know what it is?" Owen questioned as his fingers grazed the broken part of the glass.

Claire sighed. "The lab delivers the finished assets and then we show them to the public," she explained. She then turned to one of the workers sitting off to the side. "Can we drop a steer please?"

I walked up to the glass next to Owen, my eyes scanning the scenery."Has she ever been outside these walls?"

"We can't exactly walk it," Claire shot sarcastically.

Man, this bitch needs a reality check. I took a couple steps toward her as my entire body filled with rage, only to be pulled back by a hand gripping my bicep. I glared up at Owen and he gave me a look as if to say don't you even dare. I rolled my eyes, but stayed put.

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