2 Months Later :)

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                                        *TWO MONTHS LATER!

I was sitting at my mums house eating lunch with my loving sister Gemma. Let me catch you up. Me and Liam are dating.. We skype,text,and he visits me every other weekend.Me and Harry havent really talked. But I do really miss him! But he hasnt talked to me. Me and the boys still talk! Im 3 months pregnant so I am showing well. I cant wait to see it im have two boys,two girls,or a boy and a girl. My mum told me Harry just needs time to adjust and that he just is not to happy about being a uncle. Gemma is excited to be an aunt! "Liz..? Liz..?" Gemma said waving her hand in front or my face. "Sorry. Just thinking."  BEEP BEEP BEEP. I looked at my computer. I had a incoming skype call.

I opened and saw Liam pop up. "Hey babe!" He said smiling. I walked into  my room and proped my self up on my bed. "Hey! How was your interview?" I asked giving him a warm smile. "Good. But people think im the dad of your baby..." He said trailing off 'baby.'  "What did you say?" I asked him putting a hand on my belly. "I said I wasnt but I sure wish I was!"  He said blushing. I gave him a little chuckle. Louis pushed him off the chair than smiled.  "Hey Lizzybug!!" He yelled. Thats what the boys call me. I gave a small wave. Then I saw Harry pass. He looked at the camera and kept walking.

"HAROLD! Come talk to your pregnant sister!" Louis yelled running towards Harry. "Liams Skypeing Lizzybug?" I heard a Irish accent ask. "Yep! And Harry needs to talk to her!" Louis yelled. Niall popped up on the scream. "Hey Ni!" I said smiling. "Hey Lizzybug!" He said smiling.

Harry popped up on the sreen with Louis holding him down. "I have nothing to say!" Harry said refusing to talk to me. At this time all the boys were holding him down. I wiped my tears. He didnt want to talk to me! That hurt. "Harry she crying! Look what you did to her!" Louis yelled. "I didnt do anything!!" Harry yelled. I tried hold in my tears. But I couldnt. "I gottta go!" I said ending the call. I cried in my pillow. BEEP BEEp BEep Beep beep. I heard my my phone go off saying I have a text. I wiped my tears. I opened my text message.

         From: Harry.

                   Im sorry! If I made you cry I didnt mean to! Your my bestfriend,sister,and I loveyou!!!! Forgive me??? XOX

           To: Harry.

             Its Okay!!! I miss you and love you too! Liams visiting this weekend bring the boys!

      From: Harry.

           The boys are excited!! See you then!

I smiled knowing I have me favorite brother back. BEEP BEEP BEEP. I had a skype request from Liam. I opened it. The boys were sitting there. "Hi?" I said akwardly. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I said. Gemma walked in. "What are you doing?" She asked.  "Skyping the boys." I stated. She sat beside me. "Hi Gemma." All the boys said. She waved. "Liz wanna go out to eat? She asked me. I nodded. "Okay we shall go at 6:00?" She asked. "We shall." She left and I turned my focus to the boys.

         From: LEEYUM

           Cant wait to see you tommorrow!xx

           To: LEEYUM

                Me either! I have been counting down the days!xx

 "Lizzy!!" My mum yelled. "Sorry guys gotta go!" The waved and I turned off my computer. I walked downstairs and saw HIM! HIM! The guy that messed up my life.

"Miss me?" He asked smiling.


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