5 Months Later...

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A/N 5 MONTHS LATER!!!! Excited :)!!!

Let me catch you up... I moved back in with the boys, im still dating Liam. Im 9 months pregnant. I have figured out im having two boys!! Names not sure of. My bestfriend out of all the boys are Louis. We have gotten really close. Im also supper close to Perrie.Elenore is nice but im bestfriends with Perrie.Me and Louis started being friends since im moved back in. 5 Months ago.Harry is dating my bestfriend..Emily,Niall met a girl.. Elissa! Shes nice, brown hair my height, and wants kids!! There your caught back up! Oh and remember Harry Swanson? We have been hanging out too.

"Perrie wanna go for a walk?" I asked her sitting in her flat. "Sure. You need those babies out anyway." She said with a smile and putting out a hand to help me up. I chuckled before taking it. I pushed some flip-flops on. I had to get 2 sizes bigger of shoes because my feet have been getting swollen. My belly button is now an outty and I have terrible gas, cheers to pregnancy! We headed out the door. Perrie locked the door behind us because her Little Mix friends are out shopping.

"How does it feel?" She asked. I asumed she meant pregnancy. "Um well you have swollen,gas,and you have to go threw sickness the firest couple months.But I have a feeling that its going to be worth it." I said smiling at the end. " I have always wanted kids. Zayn does too so in the future we totally are going to have kids in the future!" She said with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Harry said that I should put them up for adoption but there no way in hell im doing that! I love these kids already!" I said with a little laugh. "I agree with you!" She said laughing.

We walked into starbucks. We ordered and sat down. "What age do you want kids?" I asked playing with my drink. "Now to mid 20's."  I smiled she had it planned out. We finished then headed to her flat.

I sat down on the couch at the boys' flat with Perrie. "Zayn I have a question!" I yelled at him. "What?" He asked looking up from play Subway Surfers. "Where do babies come out of?" I asked titling my head. I knew I just loved teasing the boys like this. His eyes widend. "Um erm-"  "Your toes!" Louis yelled cutting him off. I began laughing. Louis always did that. "No they dont." Niall said joining the conversation. I nodded. "Who do think the feet get big?" I asked. "I dont know." Niall stated. Me and Louis looked at eachother in victory. "Liz when are you due?' Perrie asked changing the coversation.

"Umm 2 weeks? I think maybe one. Pretty much and time I guess." I said not sure. Perrie nodded.

               From: Harry Swanson.

                       Hey!! Wanna hang out I got Grown ups 2!!!

                      To: Harry Swanson.

                         Sure. Can Liam come? Me and him were going to go to the movies tonight.

                   From: Harry Swanson.

                       Of Course!!! See you soon

I was pretty excited!!

Until somthing horrible happend.




I was in the kitchen when it happend. I didnt know what to do so I yelled for some I know my whole life. "Harry!" I yelled. He walked in. "What?" He asked. Then he saw  the water on the floor. His eyes widened and smiled. "LIZZY'S WATER BROKE!" He yelled.

I was laying on a bed going threw many contractions for 4 hours now. It has been horrible pain and I wish that I had never been pregnant. "Okay 9cm! Almost there. Hang in tight!" The nurse said with a huge smile. Perrie was by my side. Liam on the other and Harry beside Liam. I took a deep breath. I could do this. "You can do this." Harry said with a smile. "Shut the fuck up! Nobody asked you!" I yelled at him. He turned to a frown. "Sorry Harry I love you Harry Berry!" I said to him looking at the celing. I really wanted to get thjis over with! "10cm!" The nurse yelled. "Okay push!" She said.

I did how she said. Push. Breathe. Push Breathe. Then I heard a cry. Not even looking at the baby I was in love. They layed the baby on me. "Its a boy. Have a name?" She asked. "This is Mason." I smiled. They took him to clean him up. When I had him back in my arms all the boys came in. Harry Swanson was even here. Mason had my brown curls, bright grey eyes and my nose. He was so cute! Im going to call Harry Swanson Harry S. And Harry Styles, Harry.

Perrie soon took him from me. Harry took him and I took a picture. Posted it on twitter. "Okay time to push agian." The nurse said. She took Mason and put him in the baby bed that said his name. The boys left. I did the same thing Push Breathe push breathe.

I soon heard another cry. The baby laid in my arms. After Max was clean up she laid him safely in my arms. The boy came in and took turns hold Max. Harry held Max and Mason I took a picture.

@ElizabethAnneStyles: @HarryStyles Your an Uncle!! Max and Mason love you already! Twitter.com/njdebhp.37hdg

My phone was blowing up with retweets and people say how cute they are. I love my boys so much.


I was signing the release papers. I buckled them in the carseats. Liam grabbed Max's and I grabbed Mason's carseat.  We drove home safely. I brought them in side and took Mason out he was awake but Max was sound asleep. They are going to be like Zack and Cody. Max is going to be Zack. And Mason would be Cody! Perrie come over. She help Mason and played with him while I would make their bottles.

Tonight all the Boys' girlfriends were coming to see the babies. I was glad to be able to show them off. I mean wouldn't you??


Yes,Im Harry Styles twinWhere stories live. Discover now