Yes,Im Harry Styles twin.

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Hi im Elizabeth Anne Styles. Im Harry Styles twin and  this isnt a story were my mum just tells me because hes my long lost twin.I know im his twin and he does too! We lost track of eachother when he went it Xfactor and became a SuperStar! Im visiting him! He changed his facebook! And messaged me that he wanted me to stay with him.My mum told me that I get to live with him since im 18 and soon I'll be 19! I have already packed and everything so im at the airport ith my mum.Im saying my goodbyes and getting on the private jet that Harry sent me.Oh and btw we moved to America because my mum got a job there!

"Be safe! And don't be mean to your brother or there friends!" Mum said letting go of the hug.I nod and we kiss eachothers cheek. I giggle and get on the plane.I had a pink camera in my hands and my IPhone5 in the other.I got a text from Harry.

From: Harry!

Hey! Have a safe flight and the lads dont know you coming! Its a surprise!xx

I giggled when I read it! He acts like my big brother! Im older by 19 minutes!

To: Harry!!

I know,dad! Im older by 19 minutes! I should be protective of you!xx

He didnt text back I guess hes just to mad to prove it! I slept half the flight.Btw I have naturally curly hair.Light grey eyes,light red lipstick,uggs,blck skinny jeans with a One Direction Tee! I thought it would be cute to support.My mum told me I should have the same color eyes has Harry but I just came out with diffrent colored eyes.I have been told there beautiful.


We just landed so I texted Harry.

To: Harry!!

Hey! Just landed!xx

From: Harry!!

Great! See you soon! Miss you! Hurry x__x XOX

I walked to the house because my car was in America! I arrived and knocked! I had butterflies in my tummy! Harry opened the door and we both screamed at the same time and hugged eachother.He kisses my cheek.When I let go there were 4 eyes staring at me. I waved and smiled the akwardly waved back ith a confused look.

"Hi im Elizabeth! Harry's twin sister." I said smiling.They looked at my then Harry.

"Oh sorry Elizabeth come in!" Harry said taking my bags and left upstairs after he shut the door.The stared at me.I was creeped out! I smiled and they turned there head but one guy he had brown eyes like mine.

"Hi im Liam." The guy I said had brown eyes said. I waved. I unzipped my jacket,and they gasped.Harry was still gone.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Your shirt!" The blonde one gasped. I looked down at it. Oh One Direction Tee.

"Problem wearing it?" I asked.They smiled and I noticed Harry at the end of the stairs smiling.

"No,Love we love when people support us like that!" Harry said hugging me.I giggled.

"Oh and love you will be joining the same school has me!" Harry screamed. I screamed too! The boys stared at me.

"Oh and Love im Louis." Louis said. I nodded.

"Im Niall!" Niall shouted has loud has he could. I nodded slowly.

''Im Zayn!" Zayn said. I nodded and smiled.I turned on my camera.I took a picture of me and Harry. I turned it off and slipped it in my pocket.I ran on to the couch. I took out my phone and went on twitter 4 more followers! Oh the boys! Harry was alread following me. I scrowled threw the news feed.

@HarryStyles- My twin sister came to town! Shes living with us for awhile :D @ElizabethAnneStyles

@ElizabethAnneStyles-@HarryStyles It will be hard! I'll be cleaning up after you!Like I used to in the playroom when we were kids!I

I got off twitter and slipped my phone in my other pocket."Harry!" I yelled.

"What!?!" He yelled back. "Im tired!" I yelled.He sat down by me and smirked.

"Follow me." He took my hand.We went upstairs.He opened a door to a room that was lime  green room with a poka-doted bed spread and a white dresses and make-up table.And a bathroom! He kissed my forehead. I layed on the bed and fell asleep.


"Ive tried play it cool." They sang."But when there looking at you I cant  ever be brave because you make my heart race." They all sang."Shot me out of the sky your my kryptonite you keep making me weak ya frozen and cant breathe." Harry sang.I groaned "Get out!" I said.

"Some things gotta give now
Cause I'm dying just to make you see
That I need you here with me now
Cause you've got that one thing." Zayn sang.I cut them off before they could sing.

"So get out get out of my bed !" I screamed.I pushed them out and remembered I starte school with Harry today. I sighed and looked.I picked out a blue "You Mad Bro?'' Tee.Then Blue Skinny jeans and TOMS.I just brushed my hair and it was still keeping the curls in.I wish my hair would be striaght! I got my bookbag and walked down the stairs.I was greeted.

"Want a carrot?" Louis asked. I shook my head."I hate carrots." After i said that everone gasped.I shrugged and grabbed my backpack and headed to the door.I was about to open to it when Harry said- "Where are you going?" He asked grabbing his bookbag. "Im walking.Duh!" I said. He ran over to me.

"We ride in the limo so Lou,Liam,Niall,and Zayn can go at the same time." He said.We all walked out and jumped into the limo.I got bored and I brought my camera and my phone.I took out my phone and opened twitter and scrowled down threw the news.

@ZaynMailk-Harrys sister is so lazy! And takes longer than me to get ready!x

@ElizabethAnneStyles-@ZaynMailk Im not lazy! I was tired.I really get up A 4am and go to be at 10pm! But I was so tired from the flight here! And I take a long time because Im a girl!

I got out of twitter.The boys got out and me and Harry were left.The boys had fans all around them.It stopped at me and Harrys school.


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