Lost In Love 9

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Trent couldn’t believe that Becky still hadn’t called him.  He had felt that she was at home when he went by on Saturday, so he believed she was sick instead of out with Nolan.  He had gone by her house again after church yesterday with no answer.  The soup was gone, so he left a box of tea and a small meal from the restaurant near their homes.

He was leaving for work early so that he could go by this morning.  He knew that Becky wasn’t due back to work until Wednesday so he didn’t expect her to be up.  He had decided that he would just leave her the caramel coffee creamer and egg sandwich that he made her.  It made him feel better that he could take care of her in a small way.

“Hey, Uncle Silas, I’m taking this over to Becky’s.  Don’t forget to check on her at lunch time,” Trent directed.

“She hasn’t come out once.  Are you sure she’s in there?”

“Yeah, I can just feel that she’s there.  And, the food’s always gone within ten minutes when I ride back by,” Trent smiled as he grabbed the bag with Becky’s sandwich and creamer.

Trent took his briefcase and bag for Becky and set off out the door.  As expected, Becky didn’t come to the door.  Trent left the bag on the table and drove away.  He made a loop and was back in front of Becky’s house within ten minutes.  He craned his neck around to see the bag missing from the table.  A grin spread on his lips as he headed to work.

When school was over, Trent called Silas for a report.  Silas had gone by Becky’s with lunch and experienced more of the same.  He told Trent that the bag was missing when her made the loop to check.  Trent thanked Silas and ended the call.

Trent attempted to call Becky with no answer.  When the voice mail picked up Trent left a message asking Becky to at least text him to say she was alive.  He laughed lightly and told her that he’d be waiting.

 Twenty minutes later, Becky texted Trent to say that she was feeling better and thanked him for the care.  He texted back to tell her that he enjoyed it.  He also asked what she’d like for dinner.  She answered that he didn’t have to continue bringing her food.  He ignored her and let her know that he would be around by six.  He asked if she would be coming to the door this time.  He waited several minutes before she answered that she still wasn’t decent enough to be seen.

Trent considered telling her that he didn’t care what she looked like because he just wanted to make sure she was fine.  He wanted to tell her that she was beautiful no matter what.  But, he let her know that he understood and would drop the food off in the usual spot.  She thanked him and Trent continued his work.

When he picked Becky’s dinner up, Trent also stopped by the grocery store and the florist’s shop.  When he got to Becky’s house he left the dinner, some groceries, and roses with a card.  He knocked on the door, but waited only a minute before leaving.  He decided that they had already discussed her coming to the door so he shouldn’t push her.

Tuesday came and went in much the same way.  Trent took breakfast and dinner to Becky while Silas took lunch.  Neither was successful at getting Becky to the door.  Trent did receive a few texts during the day.  Three were telling him that she appreciated the food and one was telling him that she was feeling a little better.

Trent accepted what he could get from Becky.  He would continue this ridiculousness for as long as she needed him to.  He was suspicious that Becky wasn’t actually sick but couldn’t prove it.  He thought that something was bothering her and he really wanted to know what could keep her in her home for this long.

On Tuesday evening, Trent noticed that Silas was moping around after they had eaten.  He gently inquired as to the reason, but never got a straight answer.  Trent thought that his uncle was grieving the loss of Sadie.  It was too soon to bring another animal into the home, but Trent would watch out and not let Silas get too depressed.

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