Lost In Love 18

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This part is a little shorter than usual, but I wanted to see what people thought of my COVER.  I am excited, so please comment.

“Alright, girl, quit shakin’.  You’re gettin’ water all over me!”  Silas was enjoying giving his new puppy a bath in the back yard.  She had jumped into a big pile of compost rolling around getting all smelly.

Silas heard the front door slam all the way into the back yard.  He knew that it had to be Trent and silently wondered what was wrong with him.  He finished giving the dog a bath and dried her with a towel.  He put her into her crate under a tree so that she could take a nap while she dried.

Silas went into the house going in search of his nephew; something had to be wrong for him to have come home like that.

Trent had decided to come home instead of checking on Becky.  If she didn’t want him involved then she could deal with it on her own.  He had been furious as he walked into the house slamming the door and going up to his office immediately.  He thought Silas must be out because he would have yelled about the door before Trent had reached the top of the stairs.

Trent sat at his desk and took out some papers to look over.  He had given a test and it needed to be graded.  Instead of concentrating on the papers, Trent couldn’t keep his mind off of Becky.  Why was she pushing him away?  He was well able to protect her.  He had shown her nothing but love and patience up to this point.  Maybe he should act more like Nolan and just treat he like nothing.  He slammed his fist on the top of his desk right as Silas walked into the room.

“What’s put that bee in your bonnet?”  Silas moved himself into the room standing across from his nephew.  He could see the pain in the eyes looking back at him.  Silas recognized this pain and planned on getting to the bottom of it.

“Nothing,” he clipped, “just working on papers.”  He kept his answer short and looked back down to his papers.

“Son, spill it unless you want me to be stuck to your butt until you do.”  Silas knew that Trent was struggling with this.

“Fine.  Becky and I are not seeing each other anymore.”  There was a pain in his chest when he uttered the words.

“Are you stupid boy?”  Silas couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  Trent couldn’t be serious.

“No.  She doesn’t trust me.  She doesn’t want me in her business.  She’s hiding things from me.  She’s letting Nolan hurt her instead of telling me so I can take care of it.  I’m questioning her feelings for me at this point.”  Though he tried to hide it, emotion was thick in his voice.

“And how long has she been your girlfriend?” 

“Two weeks.”

“Really?  Does she know that?”  Silas knew that Trent hadn’t officially declared his feelings for Becky.

“Of course she knows that.  We see each other everyday.”

“Think about it for a minute before you just cut her out,” he paused.  “Son, do you love her?”

“yeah, I do,” he answered honestly.

Silas moved to sit in the chair across from Trent.  He crossed his legs with his ankle at his knee before giving his full attention to his nephew.  “Trent you were too small to remember my love.”  This surprised Trent because Silas never spoke about love or women.  Silas continued, “She was wonderful.  I had dated her before your mom…” Silas let his sentence drop.

“Anyway, when your dad began staying out all night and acting like a wild man I didn’t want to bring her down that road with me.  I never asked if she was willing, I just pushed her away.  As I look back I know she would have been right beside me.  She was so good with you,” his gaze was far off as he brought his eyes back to Trent.

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