Lost In Love 20

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“Oh my…” Trent’s exclamation trailed off as his uncle and the woman came up for air.  Silas’ head snapped in his direction with a slight grin.  He couldn’t deny that he’d just enjoyed his romp on the counter.  “I assume this is Aunt Rose with the way Becky just tore out of here and headed home.  She didn’t even notice me.”

“Hi,” said the older woman as she pulled on her skirt and shirt making sure she was covered.  “I am Rose.  I’m sure you don’t remember me, but I used to take care of you after your mother passed.”  Her eyes were kind, but Trent couldn’t concentrate on her words because of the light sheen coating her face.  He wondered how long they had been propped on the counter where he cooks.

There was no shame on either face as Silas fastened his belt.  “Becky was here?” asked Silas.

“Yeah, I have no idea for how long.  She was tripping over herself to get out of here.  Now, I know why.”

“Oh,” Rose covered her mouth with her long, slim fingers.  “We were supposed to go out with a couple of her friends tonight.”  Rose didn’t regret what she had just shared with Silas, but she did wish they had made it upstairs to his bed.

“Listen, I’ll go check on Becky while you two get cleaned up.”  Trent felt as if he’d just caught two of his teenaged students.  “I’ll see if we can just make it a group thing.”  He immediately regretted his choice of words and shook his head to rid himself of the image.

Trent returned to his living room a few minutes later having found that Becky’s house was empty.  He flung himself onto the couch stretching his legs out in front of him and rubbing his face with his hands.  He felt bad for his love.  He had ignored her attempts to make up and then she finds her favorite Aunt in a compromising position.  That had to be a bad as walking in on your parents.

“Hey,” Silas nudged Trent’s foot as he entered the room.  “Is she coming back or is she scarred for life?”  His voice was light and playful.  Trent just groaned before moving one of his hands and looking at his Uncle.  “What?  You should be used to it.  That’s not the first time you’ve walked in on me and Rose.”

Confusion hit Trent as he questioned what his Uncle was talking about. 

Silas gave a chuckle at the expression his nephew’s face held.  “Rose moved here with me after your mom died.  She was my one and only love that I spoke to you about.  I had no idea that she was Becky’s aunt.  Imagine that, we know how to keep it in the family,” Silas laughed at his joke but saw Trent wasn’t amused so he continued on.  “We were young and in love.  She was the most beautiful woman I had ever met, still is.  Anyway, we went at it constantly.”  Trent groaned and returned his hand to cover his eyes.  Why would his uncle be telling him this?

“Well, you walked in on us more times that I can count.  Rose used to laugh and say that you were just curious, but I’d get mad every time.”

“If you two were so hot and heavy, what happened?”  Trent pushed.  He had known that Silas was holding back information during his first confession.

“Life,” answered Silas.  He sees that his answer did nothing to satisfy Trent so he continues.  “As your dad got deeper in his depression he got a little aggressive, especially with women.  I pushed Rose away because I didn’t want to keep her back.  I realized that I was pushing responsibilities on her that she wasn’t ready for.”  Trent nodded in guilty understanding.

“Well, one night we argued and Rose came down and sat in the living room crying.  I was too stubborn to come after her and stayed in our room.  Later I woke up to Rose packing a bag.  She told me that your dad had tried to sleep with her.  I let her go.  Trent,” Silas paused to clear the emotion from his voice, “that was the biggest mistake of my life.”

“I’m sorry Silas.  I didn’t know my dad would do something like that.”

“Don’t apologize for him, son.  But, more importantly, don’t live my mistake.”  He put his hand on Trent’s shoulder as Trent turned to look in his eyes.  “Becky has been talking to me.  She loves you and you are pushing her away.  That gives room for something to wedge in that gap and push you two apart.  Don’t let that happen.”

“You’re wrong,” Trent states as he stands and begins to pace the floor.  “I’m not the one pushing.  Nolan has been attacking her and she defends him.”  Trent turns to look his uncle in the eyes, “She’s the one pushing.  She’s the one who won’t let me in fully.”  It felt good to voice his feelings to someone.  Trent was worried that Becky would run back to Nolan if given the chance.  He knew that his uncle understood his fear.

Silas stood and gently sat Trent back on the couch.  “Son, listen, Becky is terrified of that boy.  She’s terrified that you are going to get hurt or lose your job because of something Nolan does.  She’s not defending him, she’s protecting you.”  Trent had never considered this.

“You know,” Rose paused as she walked fully into the room, “Becky’s been talking about you since she moved into town.  She’s never been ‘boy crazy’ or one to chase, but she tried with you.  I knew you’d grow up to be a handsome man, just like your Uncle.  She goes to the park on Saturdays just to see you run.  She volunteered to keep the food stocked in her office just so you would help with the bags.”


“Yeah,” Rose answered with soft eyes.  “She didn’t think you’d ever make a move.  In fact, I almost had her talked into moving on.”  Rose moved to stand behind Silas.  Her hands went to his broad shoulders and began to rub.  “I would hate to see that happen, wouldn’t you?”  Her pointed stare pinned him right in the heart.

“Rose,” Trent addressed, “I do kind of remember you.  I also remember that I was sad when you left.”  Rose gave a smile at his kind words.  “I remember helping you plant all the flowers in the back yard.  I guess I know why Silas fusses over them so much.”  Rose nodded at his memory.  She had worked with Trent at mapping out the back yard and planting just to get his mind off of family matters.

“We had a lot of fun planting together.”  Rose was happy that Trent remembered those special times.

“I guess I made you into a family friend in my mind over the years.  I don’t remember that you two were together.”  A smile broke out on Trent’s face before he teased the pair.  “Although, I don’t think I’ll be forgetting today anytime soon.”  They all chuckled at that.  “Rose, do you remember where Becky was taking you tonight?”

“She didn’t tell me, just that I would love the whole place including the owner,” answered Rose.

“I know the place, and you would have loved it,” Trent affirms.  “Sam and I were supposed to take Silas out tonight.  He should be here in a few minutes,” Trent said as he glanced at the clock on the wall.  “I’m going to get my love back.”

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