Lost In Love 11

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Instead of going straight to Nolan, Trent found himself pulling into Becky’s driveway.  The warnings that Silas spoke to him ran through his mind.  Also, Trent desperately wanted to hold Becky.  He paused before getting out of the car.  Trent knew that he had to calm himself before he busted through Becky’s door.  His hands were shaking with the rage he felt towards Nolan.

“Why do I feel this way?”  Trent asked of himself.  He had never felt this way about a woman before.  They hadn’t even gone on a real date yet.  Thinking about being with Becky seemed to calm Trent.  Her rose scent conquered his thoughts as it did at night before he fell asleep.  He knew he was ready now, so he steadied himself and got out of the car.

“Don’t overreact, don’t overreact,” he repeated to himself as he walked.  He quickened his steps with his need to see Becky.  His head was swirling with thoughts of what he would say to her and how he would gain access to her home. 

Raising his hand, he knocked on the door, “Becky, let me in.  We have to talk.”  He decided to be direct.  He could hear her soft footsteps as she made her way to the door. 

“I can’t, Trent.  Why don’t you go home and call me.  I’ll answer,” Becky’s voice was worried.  Becky knew something was going on with him.  Maybe he had found out about Nolan.  She wondered for a moment if Trent would still want to be with her because of it.  She knew Trent wasn’t the kind of man to go after trouble.  That was one of the reasons Becky had fallen for Trent.

“Becky, you’re driving me crazy.  I know about the bruises and Nolan.  Please Becky, I just have to see you and make sure you’re okay,” Trent pleaded.

Becky was silent.  He knew.  She knew that it would get out, but now it was actually out.  She was almost relieved that Trent had found out and still wanted to see her.  She gathered her courage to speak, “How,” she sputtered, “how did you find out.”

“It doesn’t matter.  Let me in, there’s no reason not to now.  There’s nothing to hide,” he hoped.

Trent knew that it would take Becky a moment to comply with his request, so he waited.  He could almost feel her fighting with herself for the decision.

The lock sounded wonderful as Trent heard it click open.  Anticipation was building inside them both.  Neither knew the thoughts of the other.  The door slowly cracked.  Trent held on to his senses as Becky came into view.  He wanted nothing but to hold her, but he waited for her to give permission.

Becky’s eyes met Trent’s.  She didn’t know what to do.  She wanted to fall into his arms and never come away from him.  She wanted to tell him exactly what Nolan had done to her and let him take care of it.  But, instead, she stood in her doorway with doubt on her face.

Trent noticed that Becky hadn’t moved her hand from grasping her robe around her neck.  He wanted to see the bruises Candy had told him about.  He had been praying that Candy had been wrong or exaggerating.  But, with the way Becky was clutching her robe closed, Candy had reported the truth.

“Well, can,” Trent cleared his throat, “can I come in?  We need to talk.”

Becky moved to the side to allow Trent to walk by while still holding tight to the neck of her robe.  Her scent circled around him and seemed to draw him in.  Trent noticed that Becky looked around outside before closing and locking the door behind them.

“Come in, sit,” Becky was nervous.

Trent turned to Becky, his face full of compassion.  “I don’t want to sit.  I want to know if you’re ok,” Trent’s hand was pressed lightly on Becky’s hand holding her robe.

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