Lost In Love 21

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“So, have you spoken to Trent yet?”  Chris was eager to get the dirt on the relationship as she looked to Becky.

“No,” snapped Becky at Chris and Candy who were sitting across from her.

“I didn’t know you guys were arguing,” Candy was quick to pick up the turmoil that was Becky and Trent’s status.

“Well, we’d have to speak to argue,” Becky answered.  She didn’t know if Trent would approve of her speaking with his student about their love situation.

“I think I’m missing something here,” Candy looked to Becky and Chris for answers.

Chris felt bad that they hadn’t shared with Candy.  She knew Candy didn’t have many close friends and looked to the two older women for support.  She decided that they should at least share enough with her so she could join in the conversation, but before she could speak Becky began.

“Trent and I haven’t been speaking,” Becky fought the tears as she revealed more to her new friend.  “Actually, he’s not speaking to me.  I have evidently burnt that bridge.”

“No,” Candy gasped.  “He was talking about you after school today and called you his girlfriend.”  Candy still had her crush on her teacher but couldn’t imagine him with anyone else but Becky.

“He did?”  Chris looked at Becky encouragingly.  “I told you not to give up on him.”

“I heard what Trent said to you,” Becky looked to Candy with a pink tinged face.  “I was standing outside the room.  I had decided to confront him in person because he won’t answer my calls.”

Candy looked embarrassed as she remembered that her endless flirting had been brought up during that conversation.  She had no idea what Becky would think of her.

The conversation paused as their food arrived and the waitress made sure they had everything they needed.

“Well,” Chris chirped, “spill.  I want to know what’s going on and why you aren’t sucking face with his fine tail right now.”  Becky had been so happy while she and Trent had been seeing one another and Chris knew that Becky wanted it to continue and that Trent wouldn’t stay upset with Becky if he didn’t really care about her.

Candy and Becky filled Chris in on the conversation at school.  Both ladies left out that Candy was a relentless flirt when it came to her older teacher.  Candy was relieved that Becky didn’t seem angered by her previous actions.  Chris felt really bad for Trent and Becky because she was sure that they were both in love.

Chris and Candy spent a few minutes trying to pick Becky’s feelings up.  Candy related how a shy guy at school had started eating lunch with her and that they were doing a project together.  Becky was proud of Candy for realizing she had gotten out of control.  Chris told that she was once again single.  Becky was happy about this because Chris had a habit of going after the loser in any group.  All three laughed at Becky’s observation.

“Don’t look now but here comes tall, muscular, and rough,” Chris said as she licked her lips.

Becky and Candy followed her gaze and saw that it was Sam and he had just spotted them.

“And,” Candy added, “Mister Jensen is with him.”

Becky shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she watched the pair make their way over to their table.  She didn’t know that she was ready to face Trent.  She had been more than ready earlier but her courage had snuck away, especially in front of other people.

“It looks like you have room for two more,” Sam observed.  He looked at Chris’ side of the booth, “Scoot over sweetheart.”  Chris gladly pushed Candy to the end of the seat before moving over herself.  Sam sat down beside Chris and waited for Trent to make a move towards Becky.

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