Lost In Love 19

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“Snap out of it man,” Sam chided.  “It’s Wednesday night, let’s go out and do something.”

“I’m just tired because I’ve been working so hard.  We’ll go out tomorrow maybe.”  Trent had no intentions of going out the next night but Sam couldn’t see the expression on his face over the telephone.

“Listen, I can tell that you’re miserable.  Just call her.  I’m sure if you guys talk it will all work out in the end,” Sam stated hopeful.

“I’m not calling her,” Trent was adamant.  “She doesn’t want to let me in on her life then I’m not knockin’ on the door.”

“Yeah, well, if you keep that up you’ll be a bachelor for the rest of your life.”  This made Trent think of the talk he had with Silas the other day.  He had pushed his love away and had suffered for it greatly.  Trent didn’t know how long he could stay away from Becky but he was trying his best.

“Fine, we’ll go out tomorrow night,” Trent conceded.  “Be here before six and you’re driving.”  Trent was a little irritated.  He would much rather stay home to brood and wallow in his on misery.

“That’s fine, I’ll drive.  With the way you’ve been acting lately I’m not sure I want to be in a car with you driving anyway,” Sam chuckled.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You know, I’ll never know when you will decided to run off a bridge or hit head first into a tree and end it all, taking me with you of course.”  Sam thought his joke was funny, but he failed to get the response he was looking for.

“Just be here and keep your jokes to yourself.”

Sam agreed to keep the jokes and jabs at a minimum if Trent would refrain from sulking like a three year old child.  They spoke for a few more minutes then ended the call.  Sam was worried for his friend.  Trent had never acted so downtrodden.  He was acting as if his whole world had come to an end.

Trent pushed himself up off of his bed.  He decided to join his uncle for a little television time before bed.  He made his way slowly down the stairs to the living room.  He found his uncle sitting in his chair with his new dog sitting in his lap.  Silas had still not told what he has named the dog.  Trent sat on the couch with a slump to his shoulders.

Silas looked over at Trent to see the same haunted look he had carried since coming home on Saturday.  He was convinced that look wouldn’t go away until he made things right with Becky.  Silas wanted to help.  It was killing him to see his nephew in such a state.  Silas thought back to Trent’s teen years and couldn’t think of a single time he had been this upset over a girl.

“What did you name that dog?”  Trent’s voice was monotone.

“Lovie,” Silas answered as Lovie raised her head to look at her new friend.

“She seems to like that name,” Trent observed.

Silas decided not to beat around the bush with what he wanted to know from his nephew.  “You haven’t spoken with Becky yet, have you?”  Silas knew the answer to his question because Becky had called earlier in the day to check on Lovie.

“No, I haven’t,” Trent answered with a snap.

“Well, you need to,” Silas was matter-of-fact with his observance.  “She’s coming over around lunch time tomorrow if you can get away.”  Silas smirked as he glanced to the side to see Trent tense up.

“I can’t.  Why is she coming here?  She knows I’m working.”  There was irritation in his voice and this caused Silas to be irritated also.

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