Lost In Love 8

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Trent thought of Becky as he dried his body after his shower.  To say Trent was excited to see Becky tonight was an understatement.  He managed to get dressed in an outfit he thought Becky would like and decided to grade some papers before it was time for him to leave.  He needed something to take his mind off of Becky’s hands, lips, and legs.

With Coffee in hand, Trent sat at his desk and got to work.  He was looking over Candy’s test when his cell phone began to chirp indicating that he had a text.  He put Candy’s test down knowing that she had clearly cheated.  He picked up his phone and smiled at Becky’s name on the screen.

His smile quickly faded as he read the message.  She apologized for canceling their date and said that she wasn’t feeling very well.  He texted her back asking if he could do anything for her.  She responded that she just needed rest.  He texted her that she could call if she needed anything and that he would call her the following day.  He waited for another response, but there was none.

He finished grading the tests and put Candy’s on top.  He decided to see if she could answer any of the questions without the benefit of having the answers to read and copy.  He moved to go down stairs and check on his uncle.

“When are you picking up Becky?”  Silas picked up on Trent’s dejected look.

“She’s not feeling well, she cancelled,” Trent answered as he flopped himself down on the couch.

“She seemed fine earlier.  Did you talk to her?”  Silas considered what may be going on with Becky and he doubted that the girl was actually sick.

“No, I didn’t talk to her.  She texted me.”

“Well, what’s wrong with her?  Maybe you should take her some soup,” Silas nudged.

“She said she just needed rest.  I’d hate to wake her.”  Trent began to consider that he should check on Becky.

“Trent, use your head, do you think those bruises have anything to do with her being sick?”  Silas knew that Trent’s wheels were turning now.  He knew that they were on the same page.

“I’ll call her and see how she sounds.”  Trent stood from the couch and headed back to his office to grab his phone.

Trent dialed her number and waited on her to answer.  When the call went to voice mail after the second ring, he knew that she was ignoring his call.  Trent knew he hadn’t done anything and began to wonder if Becky was truly okay.

Pacing back and forth on the rug in front of the desk wasn’t helping Trent’s nerves.  After a few minutes he plopped into his desk chair and began tapping his fingers nervously on the desk.  Trent didn’t notice the rhythm as he continued this for several minutes.  He jumped to his feet and took to pacing once again.

At last, Trent had worked himself into a nervous frenzy.  He walked quickly to his room and slipped his shoes on.  He swiftly made his way down stairs and into the living room.

“Silas, I’m going to pick up a pizza for dinner.  Will you wait ten minutes and call it in, please.”  Trent nervously tossed his keys from hand to hand waiting on Silas’ answer.

“Yeah, I will.  You know, Becky may need some soup or something while you’re out,” Silas encouraged.

“That’s exactly what I was thinking.  See you in a bit,” Trent called over his shoulder as he made his way out the door.

Trent drove to the Chinese restaurant that Becky seemed to like.  He stood at the counter and waited on the lady who was taking someone’s phone order.  After she called out the order in her native tongue to the man cooking behind her, she turned to Trent.  He ordered a pint of egg drop soup and an egg roll.  He knew it wouldn’t take long so he sat at one of the small tables.

He looked around at the tiny restaurant.  There were only five tables because most people just ordered to go.  There was an elderly couple sitting together at the other side of the room from Trent.  He thought for a second how happy they looked.  The man held the woman’s hand in his at the center of the table.  The woman was speaking with the man listening intently.  The man held her hand to his lips and gave it a soft kiss.

Trent longed for that and knew that he only wanted it with Becky.  His thoughts lingered on what could have happened to Becky to make her not want to see him.  He considered that Nolan had made up with her.  But, that idea was quickly dismissed as Trent couldn’t deal with the outcome of that.

Just as Trent was about to run out of the door straight to Becky, the lady shouted to him that his order was ready.  Trent quickly paid for the soup and left a tip before heading out.  He secured the bag in the passenger’s seat before starting the car and heading to Becky.

Becky still sat in her chair by the window.  Her legs were draped over the side and covered by her small blanket.  She was almost comfortable.  If it wasn’t for the stabbing pain in her heart and the lump in her throat she would have been asleep a while ago.  Crying and heartbreak always did suck her energy away.

Headlights caught her attention and she moved from the chair into her hallway where she could see out, but no one could see her.  She felt silly hiding in the shadows.  She was frightened that Nolan had come to her house and she wouldn’t be able to get away.  Her thoughts moved to Trent.  He would have protected her had she given him a chance. 

The sound of the car door snapped her attention back to the front of her house.  Becky knew that she would not be able to see who it was until they were at the door because of where she was standing.  She listened as the door closed and her visitor walked over the dead leaves to her front porch.  She waited for the foot falls to reach her front door.

Peering around the corner, Becky saw Trent looking nervous holding a paper bag.  He looked nice and she could just imagine how good he smelt.  She watched as he raised his hand and knocked on her door.  She longed to answer the door, but her hand went to her neck and she knew it wasn’t a good idea.

The wall seemed to be the only thing holding Becky up.  She rested her head back and closed her eyes.  She could feel the tears prickle at her eyes trying to get out.  The sound of Trent’s knock was calling to her.  She wanted to chance it and just answer the door.  She knew that Trent’s kisses would heal her wounds and brighten her spirits.

Instead, Becky sat down against the wall and wept silently.  She felt so idiotic.  Why was she doing what Steven had told her?  She had to wonder if Steven was really just on Nolan’s side.  Her head was spinning with confusion.

Trent had been knocking and waiting for about five minutes and Becky decided to give him one more minute before she answered the door and fell into his arms.  She didn’t get that chance.  Becky watched as Trent pulled the small table from her porch closer to her door.  He put the paper bag on the table and turned to leave.

Becky stood from her place in the hallway to watch as he left.  The further from her house he moved, the closer to the window she stood.  A wave of sadness overtook her as she watched his tail lights disappear into the night.  Why hadn’t she run to him? 

Curiosity led her to the front door and onto her porch.  She opened the paper bag while still standing on the porch with her robe wrapped tightly around her.  A smile crept across her face as she pulled the soup and egg roll from the bag.  She took it into the house to put some soup in a bowl and pour herself a drink.

Back on the porch, Becky sat in the wooden porch swing eating her dinner.  She knew that Trent would think that she still had no groceries in her house.  Although she had gone to the grocery store, Trent would be right about not having food, her ice cream had melted and chips weren’t dinner material.

The soup warmed Becky from the inside but Trent’s thoughtfulness pushed a cool stream of guilt.  He had brought the soup for her because she had lied and said she was sick.  She had done it for two reasons.  The first was obvious, her neck and shoulders looked like she had been on the losing side of a fight with a vampire.  The second confused Becky.  She didn’t want to cause trouble for Trent or Nolan.  She just wanted peace.  She wondered how Trent would react if he knew she lied.

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