Chapter 16

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I decide I'm going to go over to Jorel's house and surprise him! He will be so happy. I get dressed into a teal shirt and black leggings. I walk downstairs and slip on my converse and head out the door knowing the girls know I'm going to go surprise Jorel.

I hop into my car and drive about 10-ish minutes until I reach his house. I park a few houses down so he doesn't realize I'm here. I get out and cross the road to be on his side of the street. I walk up to the house and just come in since he said I was always welcome.

I was shocked at the sight infront of me. It was Jorel taking it in the ass from George. That's why they both hate Aron so much, they're together..
"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" I screamed not realizing my mouth was even working.
Jorel freaked out and tried getting his pants on while George just covered himself.

"I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!!" I screamed while I ran out the door. My vision was all blurry as I ran through the yard. I knew what was happening after it was to late. I was hit by a car. I didn't even check the road. The driver screamed as they got out and I knew who it belonged to.

Aron Erlichman. The one who knew about Jorel being gay. The one who had tried getting with me all those years ago. The one who had been nothing but caring and nice to me since we met again. Everything was blurry and everything sounded far away.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY!" I could faintly hear him yelling to someone.
"IM CALLING 911!!" I heard farther away, probably George.

At some point I felt myself being lifted. I could hear a woman asking Aron who he was. He said 'boyfriend' just so he could ride along. How sweet.

Soon everything went black and I heard more and more shouting.

*beep beep beep beep*

I wake up to the faint noise of beeping. Why is there beeping. My head starts throbbing as I try to open my eyes. I close them back up when I see the very bright light in my face. What the fuck? Where am I? I slowly make a bit of movement with my left hand. It's all tingly, hehe. I try moving my right but somethings holding it.

I slowly open my eyes so I can adjust to the light. It's just a lamp over my head. I move it so it's not in my face and I take in my surroundings. Hospital room, night gown, it looks to be night judging from the slit in the window. Aron is holding my hand.

"Pssst.. Aron." I whisper moving my right hand a little bit. He stirs and I move a bit more.
"Aron." I say a tiny bit louder making a difference.

He looks up wide eyed and smiles.
"You're alive." I see a lone tear run down his face and I wipe it away.
"What do you mean?" I ask him.
"I had accidentally hit you with my car. I'm so sorry. You've been here for 2 months and they started considering taking you off the support." He says slowly making sure I get every word.

I remember now. I had caught Jorel and George then ran into the street.
"It's ok. I don't blame you." I said rubbing small circles on his hand.
"I haven't left your side since." He states looking at our hands. I see another tear and wipe it away once again.

"Don't cry. C'mon, you're Big Deuce." He snickers and nods.
"You're right." We chuckle.

"We'll get some sleep so then you can see everyone when you're up. We won't tell the nurse yet." He smirks.
"Ok, goodnight." I smile closing my eyes.
"Goodnight." He replies kissing my temple.

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