Chapter 4

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(A/n falling in reverse just came on and I yelled at my mom to be quiet cuz it was my favorite and she was talking. I regret nothing...)

(Also above is Mya)
Shannon POV
I felt eyes on me. I don't know what it was but I guess I was dating one of the most popular guys in school and I'm the new girl. Dylan, the qb had his arm around a girl I've never seen in the school. She had dark Crimson hair. I did like it.
"Who's this Dill?" I ask curious. She was pretty and was wearing purple skinny jeans and a black tanktop.
"This is Mya, she's new and we met this summer." O so they had a back story.
I lean to her and whisper in her ear "he's a teenage boy, he's a bit frisky" I say loud enough by for him to hear.
"Me freaky!" He says then the rest of the guys say it to. Us 3 girls giggle and run ahead of the guys as the bell rings.
"So how do you like it so far Mya?" Jen asked as we followed to her locker.
"It's nice. The guys are cute but I'm focused on Dylan" we wiggled our eyebrows at her.
"Btw's Jorel belongs to me" I said
"And I'm working on getting with Matt" Jen said.
"Well I guess we should head to class now." Mya said.
We said goodbye to her since we didn't have classes with her.
Skip to lunch cuz u no I'm lazy
"Hey Johhny!" I call as I walk out of class.
He turns and smiles at me and stops.
"What's up lil one?" He smirks.
"I'm not that small!" I complain as we walk to the cafeteria.
"O really?" I look up at him making a face and sticking my tongue at him and walking into someone. I look and see who it is.
"DILL PICKLE!!!" I scream and jump on him. He adjusts me to be over his shoulder.
"Hey loco chica!" He chuckled as he walks to the lunch room with George behind us.
"So Johnny, how's it going?" I ask looking at him awkwardly cuz of my possession.
"Good. How's it hanging?" He laughs as we walk in with a bunch of stares.
Dylan sets me down next to Jen and Mya. Danny, Jordan, Aron, and Matt are there too. The only one missing is Jorel?
"Where's J?" I ask curiously.
Everyone shrugged and continued talking or eating. I looked at the closed door at the front of the cafeteria. I see through the small windows Jorel making out with one of the school sluts.
"Guys look at the doors." I said pointing.
"O hell no!" Johnny yelled sending the cafeteria into silence. He grabbed me and walked, or should I say ran over there with me close behind.
We shoved though the doors and he looked at us. He looked at me with pleasure and guilt in his eyes. Wtf?
"Jorel what the fuck are you doing!!!" I said right before she walked away and Johnny punched him straight in the nose. I heard a crack. O no...
They started fighting. Fists flying left and right.
All the guys, Jen and Mya ran over. Aron and Danny held Jorel back while Charlie and Matt held Johnny back.
"What the hell guys! And what the fuck Jorel!!!" Dylan yelled. The girls came
up and comforted me. Little did I know had had tears down my face.
Johnny and Jorel got suspended for 2 days and I called Mrs. Murillo to pick me up.
"Sweetie what happened?" She drove home.
"Well, I saw Jorel... He was kissing one of the school sluts. Me and Johnny ran to the cafeteria doors and busted through. Johnny broke jorels nose and they got into a fist fight the guys broke up. The girls comforted me and I didn't want to be at school any longer so I called you." I say as we pull into the garage.
"I'm so sorry" she looked at me.
"Can I not go to school tomorrow?" I pleaded.
"Only tomorrow okay? I can let Jen stay home to if you would like, maybe Danny?" She smiled at me as we walked in.
"I think I'll prefer Danny." I say sitting at a bar stool in the kitchen with my head down.
"Ok. I'll talk to him when schools over." "Thank you." I replied as she set a sandwich infront of me.
I finished my sandwich and went up to my room. I texted Johnny.
S-thank u
J- anytime lil one
S- and we weren't even together 24 hours!
J- I wouldn't think he would do that to u It's not like him.
S- I didn't think so either
J- well, do u wanna hang out? Video games? Movies? Anything u want?
S- sounds good to me
J- I can pick u up now if u like.
S- let me ask brb
I walk downstairs
"Can I go to a friends. He'll pick me up."
"Who?" Is all she said
"Johnny." I hope she'll say yes
"The one that got in a fight? Which was he"
"He was the one who didn't kiss the slut."
"O then yes. Have fun!"
"Thank you" and I took out my phone again.
S-she said yes
J- at a stop light. I'm almost there
I walked upstairs and fixed my hair. I cleaned off my face and put on some mascara then headed downstairs.
*knock knock* I walked to the door and opened to find Johnny.
"Johnnys here! I'll see you later Mrs. Murillo!" And I closed the door.
He grabbed my hand and led me to his CADILLAC!
"Wow. I love your car" I sounded amazed.
"Thanks" he opens the door for me and I hop in.
The drive was mostly silent besides the radio playing some Queen.
It was Bohemian Rhapsody! Who couldn't sing along to this. We both started singing to it
"Mama just killed a man, put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead" we finished at the perfect time because we just pulled into his driveway.
He opened my door without getting out. "Pardon my reach" he smirked lingering his arm a bit then getting out himself. I can't be falling for him!
(Jorel gonna make up? Or will Johnny take his spot?)
Mya is Mya_Holman
Jen is gothically_emo

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