Chapter 10

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Aron had been at the first 2 shows and everyone loved him. He disappeared at the 3 and 4th show for some reason. The guys agreed that they were going to kick him out of the band if he didn't show. Danny had to cover for him the times he was gone.

They had chosen stage names and masks to hide their identity for a while. Jorel was J-Dog, George was Johnny 3 Tears, Aron was Deuce/Tha Producer, Matt was Da Kurlzz since he had super curly hair, Dylan was Funny Man because it was funny how he wasn't funny, and Jordon was Charlie Scene because why not.

They guys looked around for Aron but saw no sign of him so Danny put his golden mask on. They ran on stage and started singing Undead. I giggled as they all screamed 'undead'

I was watching them backstage with Mya and Jen.
"I'm gonna get some water. Anyone want a bottle?" Jen asked starting to walk off. We said yes so it was just Mya and I.
"I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." Mya said before walking off towards the bathroom.

I felt a prescience besides me thinking it was Jen. I turn smiling to her but it suddenly dropped when I saw a drunk Aron.
"What the fuck Aron?" I sneered at him.
"Baby, come give big Deuce a kiss." He slurred leaning into me. I turned my head so he hit my cheek and he shoved me to the wall behind us. I screeched but the band was so loud no one heard. No one was even backstage besides us. Where is Mya and Jen???

"Get the fuck off me Aron." I tried walking to the side but he trapped my legs between his and put his arms on each side of me making me caged in. He chuckled with his nasal laugh and kissed me drunkly. His eyes were closed but I kept looking around for Jen or Mya.

I saw them come back and I pleaded with my eyes for them to get him off of me. It looked like Mya took a bottle out of her purse and Jen ran up and punched him in the ribs. He fell over and Mya sprayed him with the mace. I ran to find the manager of this place and he kicked Aron out. He apologized for him and went on doing his business. Us 3 girls went back to watching the band from backstage as they finished with Paradise Lost. I smiled as J came running to me with his arms open. I jumped in his arms and we hugged. I pulled his mask off and planted a congratulations kiss on his nose.

We left back to George's house and had our own little party for ourselves.

------|Years later|------

Me and Jorel had broken up as did Mya and Dylan. Jen and Matt broke up because of them touring. We didn't talk to Danny much anymore either.

It felt empty without those rowdy boys. We were heading over to George's house that he bought a few years back. We were all around the age of 24-26. I haven't seen them in years and I'm kinda scared to see them again. I mean, what's going to happen, what's going to be different?

"Ready to go?" Jen asked me while I was putting on my black converse. I was wearing normal jeans and a white shirt. I feel like I've changed over the years. I mean, my hairs a natural black and has no other colors anymore. Mya's is back to blonde and Jen is back to being a brunette. I sure did miss Jorel though. I couldn't wait to see him. I knew Mya and Jen couldn't wait to see them either.

"Ya lets go." I sighed grabbing a side bag as Mya was in the living room sitting on the couch. She looked up and smiled at us. We walked to Mya's car and got in. Jen gave her directions to the house and she drove.

"I'm scared." I said from the back seat. I was playing with my fingers.
"It's ok Hun." Mya said glancing into the mirror to look at me. I nodded with a small smile as we pulled into the driveway.

I knocked on the door with the girls behind me and George opened the door.
"SHANNON! MYA! JEN!" He boomed and hugged us all at once. He was a lot taller then I remembered and he had just gotten bigger over all. I smiled hugging him back. He let me go last and we walked into the house.

Dylan ran up to Mya and Matt ran up to Jen hugging them when we walked outside where they were. I saw J and he had just looked up and saw me. He ran to me and picked me up spinning me around.
"Shannon!!" He yelled squeezing me.
"J.. I think your crushing me." I wheezed and he let me go. He hugged me again tightly as I heard a female cough.

His eyes widened but went down before he turned around with his arm still around my waist. It was a really gorgeous woman with black and white hair. Does he have a thing for girls with black and white hair? She smiled at him and somewhat glared at me.

"Who's this baby?" She asked him as his arm left my waist.
"My.. Friend." He said slowly glancing at me once then focusing on her.
"Shannon, this is Vanessa, my girlfriend." He said introducing us.

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