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*Harry saw something that distracted him completely , the silhouette of an enormous shaggy black dog, clearly imprinted against the sky, motionless in the topmost, empty row of seats.*

Lily: Sirius went to Harry's first match of the year!!!

James: What if Remus sees him? REUNION!!!

Lily: No, James. You're forgetting something....

James: Yeah right! He's a murderer to him.... Hey look at his posture!!! Merlin, Pads!!!

Lily: His ears..... the way his ears that...pride???

* Harry falls because of dementors*

James: * too terrified to speak*

Lily: Please no! Please wake up! BABY, WAKE UP!!!!!

* Harry wakes up in hospital wing*

Lily: * smiles yet is still crying*

James: Oh Harry!!!! * sighs to let out the emotional burden he's been carrying all this time*

A/N: Can you guys imagine the feelings of Sirius and Remus??? They're watching Harry fall down from a most certainly dangerous altitude.... they watched him as he almost killed himself!!!! Not James again!!!

Anyways..... keep loving the marauders and Jily!!!! And keep voting and commenting sweetieeeessss....♡♡♡

Jily/Marauders HeavenCannons: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now