Part 1

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Jen's POV:
Its 5:45 am on Monday and I'm on my way to the new script reading for the sixth season of Once Upon A Time. Adam and Eddie had said on Friday that they had a very interesting twist to the story, and that got me excited. All weekend, I pondered at what this new twist could be. I was so excited and couldn't wait to read the script. I pull up onto the set, and I park next to Lana. I didn't think she was going to be here for today's reading, but I guess I thought wrong. I get out of the car and make my way to the conference room where we read he scripts. "Morning Jen." I hear a voice call from behind me. I immediately recognize the voice and spin around. Lana. "Good morning." I smile at her as she approaches me for a hug.

Lana's POV:
Jen and I have been really great friends since we first started filming. We know everyone ships us together, and we've talked about it before. We are both straight, we're just actors, and if Adam and Eddie decide to make SwanQueen real, then we would just play the parts because that's our job.

I see Jen pull up next to me in her black BMW. She gets out and walks towards the conference room and I follow her inside. When we get into the hallway, I call out her name. "Morning Jen." And approach her for a hug. We hug for a minute before walking in to the conference room to see Adam, Eddie, Josh and Ginny are the only other ones in there. Everyone gives us a warm welcome and Ginny hands Jen and I coffee from Starbucks. Jen and I sit next to each other like we usually do, but only for a second. "Jen I'm going to have you sit by Josh, and Ginny will you please sit next to Lana?" Adam asked. I gave Jen a weird look, but she moved across the table from me like she was asked to. Then Jared and Meghan walked in. We all gave them a hello and Jared sat down next to me as he usually did, Meghan sitting next to Jen. "Okay guys, today we are going over the Script for season six. There will be several episodes with just you five in it. We wrote this for our fans, they have been begging for this for a while. We hope you guys like this." Adam says as he hands everyone a script.

Jen's POV:
I look at the script and notice the title. "Operation SwanQueen" I immediately look up at Lana who I found looking at me too. I'll be honest, out of all the other surprises I thought about this weekend, this never crossed my mind. I never thought Eddie and Adam would write Emma and Regina together, but as an actor, I decided to play the part no matter what conflict was thrown at me, and this wasn't going to stop me.

We began reading over the scripts individually before reading them aloud.

Let me fill you in on what happened in season five part B before we begin reading. Emma was no longer the dark one, hook was, but unfortunately couldn't be saved by Emma. Emma had lost yet another lover and she was heartbroken so she went to Regina for advice only to find her struggling with the same thing. Robin left her for Zelena because they had a child together, and that was something Regina would never be able to give Robin and she was heartbroken. That's where season six begins.

After a few minutes of reading quietly, we begin reading the scripts aloud.

Henry: "one hot chocolate with cinnamon please." Henry says sitting alone at a booth in Granny's

Ruby: "coming right up." She says but before she turns to leave she asked henry something. "How are your moms doing?

Henry: "great actually, they have been spending so much time together. My moms insist they are just friends, but I think there's more to it than that."

Ruby: smiles and nods at Henry before leaving to get his hot chocolate.

Henry: ruby returns and places the hot chocolate on the table. "Ruby, I need your help."

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