Part 38

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Lana's POV:
Two more months had passed and we were planning on adopting a baby boy who would be born in a few months. Jen and I were excited to add a member to the family. Tonight was the airing of the final episode of Once Upon a Time, and to be honest, all day I was pretty emotional about the whole thing and I could tell Jen was having a hard time with it too. We arrived at Ginny and Josh's house at 4pm for the party. Everyone who had ever been apart of the show was going to be there, and it was going to be great to see everyone again. When we arrived, Jared, Meghan, Olivia, Eddie, Adam and a few others were already there. We hugged each other as we said hello and we began to settle in as we waited for the rest of the guests to arrive.

Jen's POV:
By 6pm everyone had arrived and we all grabbed a couple slices of pizza
and we all continued to talk, laugh and have a good time, just as we always did. Shortly before 7 o'clock Adam stood up in the middle of the room with Eddie "Hey everyone we just wanted to say thank you all so much for helping us make this huge fairy tale a reality. It's been a long and crazy journey but its been a great run. We couldn't have done this with out you guys. You made the show what it was. You became the fairy tales. And as this chapter in our lives closes, the memories will remain in our hearts forever." Adam said before they returned to their seats. Ginny turned on the huge flat screen TV right at 7 and the first words we heard, the words we all love... "Previously on Once Upon a Time..." And as soon as I heard them, tears sprung into my eyes knowing that would be the last time we would ever hear them. Reality began to set in. I was saying goodbye to the best 8 years of my life and I didn't want to let that all go. The final episode began to play, the episode beginning with everyone back in storybrooke. Everyone had found their happy endings and there was only one more thing to do. Everyone gathered in the center of the town by the clock tower. Everyone held each others hands as Regina and Emma stood in front of everyone, their backs turned to them, and together, they opened the last portal they would ever open. They opened a portal to go back home, where they all belonged. The enchanted forest. The portal engulfed everyone into it, and when they found themselves back in the enchanted forest they knew that they were home for good. They were where they needed to be. They all headed towards snows old castle, where they decided, the charmings and the Swan-Mills would run the kingdom, not as enemies, but as the family that they were fated to be. The last words of the episode struck my heart the most... "And even though their journey of discovering who they were as not only individuals, but as a family was coming to an end in storybrooke, it was really only just the beginning of new adventures and new fairy tales, and with that, everyone really did live happily ever after." The tears that I had been holding back the whole episode came pouring out. I looked at everyone else and they also seemed to have the same look on their faces. When the screen went black, everyone clapped and cheered it was the perfect way to end the show, but our night wasn't over yet. Adam stood up and popped a DVD into the DVD player and pressed the play button and what came up in the screen brought tears into everyone's eyes. The DVD was made up of bloopers, photos, and other videos of us on set from season one up to season 8. I rested my head on Lana's shoulder, her hand in mine ad we watched. All those moments, the memories that made me laugh and cry, the memories from the best 8 years of my life, in one video and I couldn't control myself. I sobbed, realizing that this was the end. Lana stroked my hair and that's when I heard the quiet sobs coming from her too. "We created a family from this show, and even though the show may be over, our family lives on." Adam says and we all smile with tears in our eyes at each other. Adam was right, we are a family, and we would always have each other, I would always have Lana by my side thanks to this experience, and for that, I would never be able to thank Adam and Eddie enough for bringing me on to the team as Emma Swan.

Lana's POV:
the party continued late into the night, no one wanting any of it to end. This would be the only time when the entire cast would actually be together and it was a very special moment to be with not only Jen who had become the biggest part of my life, but my on set family too. I was so lucky to have these people in my life and so happy to have met my love because of this show. After a while, Jen and I said our goodbyes, tears streaming down our faces. And when we hugged Adam and Eddie goodbye, I couldn't help but thank them because without them trusting me to play the evil queen, I wouldn't be where I am now. My family is what it is because of them."we love you Jen and Lana!" Everyone yelled to us as we drove off towards home. I could hear Jen sobbing the whole way home and I had to fight back the tears with everything I had. When we parked the car, I hugged Jen for a moment before we both went inside.

Jen's POV:
We were greeted by Ava who was very happy to see us come home. No matter what was going on, I could always count on my girl to put a smile on my face. Lana and I walked upstairs and checked on the girls who were both fast asleep. We made our way to our own bedroom, hand in hand and when we got to the door I stopped and turned to face her. "Thank you for being my queen." I said with a smile. "And thank you for being my princess." She said as her hand brushed up against my cheek. I pulled Lana in close, and gave her a slow passionate kiss, neither of us fighting for dominance, it was just pure and true love. We pulled away from each other and smiled before getting ready for bed.

I layed in bed, my head on Lana's chest as I listened to the sound of her heartbeat. "I can't believe its actually over." I say with a sigh. Lana kissed the top of my head. "That chapter of our lives maybe over, but ours is just beginning." She says and I can hear the love in her voice. We are silent for a few minutes before I speak again. "Remember how we met?" I ask Lana as I move my head so I can see her eyes. "How could I forget!" She said with a giggle. "We were both running late for the very first script reading. I was carrying a coffee in one hand and way too many other things in the other." I say. "You tripped over a rock and I helped you up." She said. "'Here let me help you' you said, and I looked up and that was the very moment I fell in love with you." I say and kiss her. We pulled away and then she spoke again. "And when I looked down into your beautiful sparkling blue green eyes, that's when I knew we were really going to be more than just friends... That we would truly be Something More."

A/N: THE END! I really hope you guys enjoyed reading this. This story was so much fun to write. This chapter was extremely hard to write, especially with the whole last episode of Once Upon A Time party. I'm debating on weather or not I should write an epilogue that takes place a few years after this chapter. What do you guys think? And if you have any story ideas, please let me know, I would love to hear them. Thank you again for all the love and support for this story. I love you all😘

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