Part 12

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Lana's POV:
After leaving the hospital we go back to Jen's parents house... Or I guess just her mom's house now. We walk in, all of us not really in the mood for anything. We sit at the kitchen table, and don't say a word, we are all just staring off into space, replaying his last words in our heads. After about an hour, Jen looks up at me. "Why don't we go out to dinner, it will help cheer me up." She says and I smile. "I know the perfect little Italian resteraunt not too far away from here." She says and a smile grows on both our faces. "You two go ahead, we have plenty of food here from our friends. Go have some fun." Her mom says and looks at us. We stand up to leave, grab our jackets from the back of our chairs, and walk to the car. "I'll drive." Jen says as she gets into the driver's seat. She drives about 5 miles before turning into the small, but beautiful little Italian resteraunt. The front porch has seating, and above it are lights strung above us in the perfect pattern. Its beginning to get dark, and the lights come on, and I can't help but smile. "Its beautiful." I say and she looks at me and smiles before planting a kiss on my lips.

Jen's POV:
"Table for two please." I say as I hold Lana's hand. The hostess smiles at us and leads us to a table outside under the hanging lights. She leads us to a small table with a candle in the center which illuminated the table. I pull a chair out for Lana, and she sits down before I walk over to the other side of the table. We didn't have much to say at first, its been a hard day for everyone, including her. I'm honestly surprised I'm doing okay, especially after my father used his last words to let Lana and I get married. After a while though, we begin laughing and talking, just as we usually do, and the thought of my dad disappears as we continue to joke around and take sips of wine. Our dinner finally comes, Lana and I both order the same thing. A Ceasar Salad and chicken Parmesan, my all time favorite meal. We enjoy dinner just as much, and when the sun is completely down, we can't help but look up at the sky, the lights above us looking like stars. We smile and hold hands across the table until desert comes. We order cheesecake, which I know is Lana's favorite. We take a few bites each, but we are already so full we can't eat anymore. We talked for another hour about work, family, basically everything. I pay the bill and we walk out of the resteraunt, and decide to take a walk at the little park down the street. "So what about our future?" I ask and Lana stops and looks at me in the eyes. Her beautiful brown eyes, sparkling in the moon light. I smile and continue to walk. "I want us to have a future more than anything." She says and wraps her hand around mine. I stop this time and stare at her. "Why don't we start that now?" I ask with a huge smile on my face. "What?" She asks confused, and I wrap my hands around hers and go down on one knee. I reach one hand into my purse and my fingers touch the small velvet box inside. I pull it out and open it. Tears immediately spring in her eyes when she realizes what I'm doing."Lana Maria Parrilla, we haven't been together for more than a couple weeks, but what we have is something I've never felt before and I never want to lose that. Will you marry me?" I ask and her hands fly to her mouth as tears begin to fall on her cheeks. I stand up, still waiting for an answer, and once I'm up, she springs forward and Kisses me. I smile into her lips before I graciously kiss her back. I pull away and smile into her eyes. "I take that as a yes." I giggle and we put our foreheads together. She gently pushes back a string of my blonde hair that has fallen in my face, our eyes still locked on each other, before our lips find each others once more. I felt sparks fly and the passion in my soul grow bigger and bigger. She grabs my hands, and we pull away. "I wouldn't want it any other way." She says in a low voice, almost a whisper and I smile. I turn around and walk next to her, the ring now on her finger, my hand in hers. We walk back to the car, and she gets in to drive back to my mom's place. I get in too, and she looks up at me and smiles. She pulls something out of her purse, and I realize that its a ring box. I can't help but laugh and the tears spring into my eyes. "I was waiting for the right moment, but it looks like you beat me to it." She says and laugh. She opens it, takes the ring out, and slides it on to my hand. I hold it up, and admire it as it twinkles in the moon light. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much and I lean in to kiss her. Even though today was tough, even though it was hard to see my father go, I have to say its been a pretty good day. Don't get me wrong, I'm very upset about my dad, but Lana makes me feel better. Today was the first day my parents and siblings have actually accepted me for who I am, they saw that I'm the same Jennifer they used to know, but with different love interests. It can be tough at times, but now that my parents have finally accepted me for who I am, that they have accepted Lana, I feel like for the first time in a long time, I can finally move forward with my life, and this time I won't be alone.

A/N: the end! No not really, I still have several chapters left! If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them below! Thank you

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