Part 7

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Jen's POV:
I wake up in the middle of the night from a dream about my dog Ava. Ava! Damn it! I forgot all about my poor Ava! I quickly call Ginny to go check on her because she lives right down the street from me and I gave her a spare key just in case something like this were to happen. Luckily, Ginny is up with her new baby, so she answers "yes, of course I'll check on your baby! Where are you?" She asked and I really don't know how to respond. "I uh..." But then I'm interrupted by Lana. "Jen, why are you on the phone at this hour?" She asks groggily. "Wait Jen is that-" Ginny asked when she heard Lana."yes I'm at Lana's. Didn't you see our twitter post?" I ask. She didn't say anything, so I took it as a no. "Ginny, Lana is my girlfriend." I say happily but trying to stay quiet for Lana. Ginny screams with excitement and I have to pull the phone away from my ear for a second because of how loud she is. "Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you two!" She says. "Thanks." Is all I say and I can't think of anything else to say. "Could you bring Ava to set with you tomorrow and I'll pick her up then?"I ask before saying good bye. "Yes of course, anything for you Jen, I'll let you sleep now, goodnight." She says "goodnight." I respond in return and end the call.

Lana's POV:
I wake up at 5:30 like I do every morning to Lola licking my face. I look over, but Ive apparently woken up to an empty bed. I sigh, but then see a note on my pillow. "Went on my morning run, will be back by 5:40. Kisses ~Jen" I smile and make my out of bed. I throw on a pair of sweats, a sweatshirt, and my Nike's, before putting on some light make up, and heading downstairs to make a quick breakfast for my girlfriend and I to eat on our way to set. I quickly make egg and sausage burritos, and put them on plates. Jen comes back right at 5:40 and she smiles and kisses me when she sees me up. I kiss her back and hand her the breakfast I made her. She licks her lips and I can't help but laugh its so cute. I quickly feed Lola before we head to the car and drive to work. "So why were you on the phone with Ginny so late last night?" I ask. "I totally forgot about Ava, and I called her to see if she could check up on her since she only lives a few houses down from me." She says and I nod in response. "Ginny is going to bring her to set today... Oh, and we are probably going to be getting a lot of congratulations today." She says with a smile. I smile and glance at her for a second, not wanting to accidently cause a car accident. We finally arrive on set, and Jen and I walk up to Ginny and Josh's trailer. We hear barking and we see Ava looking at us from the window. We knock on the door of the trailer and Josh opens it and accidently let's Ava out. "Ava girl!" Jen says squatting down on the ground so she can say hello to Ava, who licks Jen's face happily. I smile at how cute those two are together, and then Ginny shows up. "Jen, Lana! Good morning!" She says pushing Josh out of the way to hug us.

Jen's POV:
"Thank you so much for taking care of my girl, I can't believe I forgot about her!" I say as I hug Ginny. "Oh its no problem, you two were probably busy anyways." She says and winks at us. I blush and look over at Lana who is also blushing. All of us walk to the conference room for the script reading of episode three. Josh leads the way with Lana and Ginny stays behind to talk to me. "So how did this happen?" She says smiling. I blush not knowing what to say. "It just happened." I chuckle. "Oh come on, you must have always felt something for her!" Ginny says giving me a little push. I smile and nod my head. "Since I've met her actually." I say as my cheeks begin to burn. When we get to the hallway, Lana stops and wait for Ginny and I to catch up with her. She grabs my hand and we walk into the conference room hand in hand. Adam and Eddie smile at us, and all four of us take our seats at the table, except this time, I'm sitting next to Lana. We wait for everyone to arrive before Adam begins to talk. " okay, first off announcements, congratulations to Jen and Lana on their new relationship!" Everyone looks at us and smiles happily. "And second, we have a new character in our story and the actress will be goining us for our script reading today." Just then, I look over to the corner of the room to see who it is, and its none other than... Olivia Wilde, my ex.

A/N: ooh plot twist! 😂Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

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