Part 33

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Lana's POV:
"Lana look out!" I hear Jen yell. I look in the same direction she is to see a huge truck barreling towards us. I try to step on the gas pedal, but I'm too late. I heat the impact first then feel it. The sound of metal against metal was horrifying. Feeling the car move sideways from the impact was even worse but not as bad as what I was about to see. The whole world seemed to be moving in slow motion. Jen Jerked sideways towards me as she held her belly. Her head flew towards mine, but then snapped back and hit the passanger side window. I heard a crack, and then saw the glass shatter over her, her eyes now closed. Our small car rolled a couple times, the sound of glass breaking and metal bending was terrifying. I saw my life flash before my eyes and tears began to roll down my face at the possibility that we may not survive this. Finally after what felt like forever, the car finale came to a halt. "Lana, Jen are you okay?" Olivia asks trying to catch her breath. My heart is pounding and I try my best to speak. " I think so my legs are stuck though... And Jen... I think she's unconscious." I say. "Okay Olivia answers. "Try and find your phone." Olivia says and I do what she told me to do. I have to fumple around a little until I finally find my purse. I dig around in it until my hand finds my phone. "Got it." I say to Olivia as I dial 911.

15 minutes later, we heard at least a dozen people outside, possibly more. The three of us were trapped in the car and had no way out, so, after another half an hour of the power tools cutting through the metal, Olivia and I were finally able to get out. The paramedics attended to us, I was immediately put on a gernie after being pulled out. Apparently I had a broken leg and arm. Some how, Olivia made it out with only a few minor scratches from broken glass. As for Jen, the fire fighters were still trying to cut her out. It took them another half hour to do so, and when they did, all the paramedics rushed over to her, with a gernie. They gently layed her lifeless body on top of the portable bed and I couldn't help but cry. Her hair was tangled and blood stained her beautiful blonde hair, both of her legs severely broken and she was still unconscious. They ran her to the closest ambulance and threw her inside, closed the doors, and sped off for the hospital as fast as they could. Olivia walked over to me and began to rub my back as I cried. "I'm sure she will be okay Lana. Jen is the strongest woman I know, and if she can't get through this, no one can." She said and she pulled me close into a hug. I let her hold me as I cried, I needed someone there for me, and since Jen couldn't, Olivia was the only other person who was willing to comfort me. I know we don't see eye to eye, but I was really appreciating her being here for me when she didn't have to be. After a few minutes, I was loaded into the back of an ambulance and Olivia joined me, not leaving my side for one minute. "Lana, I'm sorry for trying to take Jen from you when we first started filming season 6. I just needed to feel something. I was weak and didn't have anyone there for me." She explained. I smiled up at her. "Its okay." I respond as one of the paramedics attempts to temporarily stableize my broken arm and leg. We were silent for a few minutes before I could no longer keep the same questions circling in my head. "Do you think Jen will be okay?" I ask the paramedic. She looks up at me briefly, before returning to what she was doing. "We won't know for sure until we run some tests." She says. "And the baby?" I ask. She looks up at me again sadly, and Olivia does too, in fact she grabs my hand and holds it tight as I hear the news. "After a trauma like this, there's only about a 10% chance of the baby surviving and if they are able to induce labor, there's only another 5% that the baby will live past the first night since she wasn't close to term yet... I'm sorry." The paramedic says. The tears begin to stream down my face again. The thought of losing our child after we've come so far broke my heart, but then I remembered the one child we did have. Sara. I hand Olivia my phone and have her call her for me. "Hey Sara this is Olivia Wilde." Olivia said through the phone. "Look I need you to meet us at the hospital, we've been in a horrible accident, both of your moms are hurt." She says. "OK see you soon. Bye." Olivia says before hanging up and handing the phone back to me. "She will meet us there." Olivia says and I nod.

A few minutes later, we arrive at the hospital and I'm immediately rushed to the ER to be checked out further. After an hour, I'm finally in the waiting room with Olivia and Sara. I have Casts on my right leg and left arm and I'm sitting in the wheel chair. Olivia and I are exhausted and don't say anything. We just stare at the TV which just happened to have news of our accident turned on. "Breaking news, three famous actresses, all of whom have all played in the hit TV show, Once Upon a Time, have just been taken to the hospital after a horrible roll over accident. We are told that Olivia Wilde had minor injuries, Lana Parrilla is suffering from moderate injuries involving a few broken bones and as for Jennifer Morrison, we have no word on her condition at this hour." The news reporter said. I sighed and that's when my phone started to ring. I looked at the screen to see that it was Ginny so I answer it. "Oh my god Lana are you guys okay? I just saw the news." Ginny says worriedly "I'm okay, just a broken arm and leg." I say. "What about Jen and the baby?" She asks and I sigh trying to hold back the tears. "No word yet." Was all I could say. "Oh Lana, I'm coming. I'll be there in a few minutes." She says before hanging up.

Another fifteen minutes goes by and still no word on Jen yet. Adam and Eddie called a few minutes before and told me to call if I needed anything. Ginny walks into the waiting room and runs over to us. "Oh my gosh Lana, I'm so sorry." She says as she bends down to hug me. "I'll be okay. Its Jen that I'm concerned about." I say. Just then, a doctor walks up to us. "Are you Ms. Parrilla?" She asks me and I nod. "Well we have some good news and some bad news what would you like to hear first?" She asked. "The bad news." I said right away. "Well we had to put your wife in a medically induced coma because of the pain and we had to induce labor." She says and I break down already knowing that we lost the baby. "The good news, is that the baby was actually slightly over developed considering the stage of pregnancy, her lungs were the only organ that wasn't fully developed, meaning if she's kept in NICU for a while, she should be able to go home with you guys in a few weeks." She smiled. Wait did she just say she? I thought "did you say she?" I asked the doctor. "Yes, congratulations you have a daughter." She says with a smile. I shake my head not believing what she's saying "but we were told that it was a boy." I say confused. "There is about a 20% chance of ultrasounds being misread, so you have a daughter Ms. Parrilla." I see Ginny's hand fly to her mouth out of the corner of my eye and I heard her gasp. Tears sprung into my eyes at the idea of having another daughter. "When can I see them?" I ask. "You are more than welcome to see Jen now even though she's asleep. We will wake her up in a few days and see how she's feeling. As for the baby, its going to be a few days. We don't want to risk her getting any infections with her lungss as underdeveloped as they are." She says. "Okay." I say understanding. "So would you like to see Jen?" She asks and I nod. She walks behind me and begins to push my wheel chair. "You guys are more than welcome to come along too." The doctor said stopping to lookin at Ginny, Olivia and Sara. We begin walking again and the three of them follow us down a hallway, up an elevator and down a couple more hallways until we reach Jen's room.

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