Part 26

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Jen's POV:
Our wedding literally couldn't have gone any better, it was so magical and beautiful... Everything I always dreamed it would be. But the wedding was a month and a half ago meaning I am now three months pregnant and let me just say, I forgot how much it sucks. You can't drink coffee or alcohol, I feel fat all the time, the cravings are crazy, and I've been waking up every morning from morning sickness. I guess there are really only two positives about being pregnant... You get a baby in the end and you aren't bleeding out of your vagina every month for 9 months. Other than that, things are good.I'm finally moved in with Lana, Sara and Meghan are still together, and work is done until they announce season 7. Today is my twelve week scan and I'm really excited.

I sleep in as usual but not super late like normal. I get out of bed at 9:30 and walk down stairs in my pygamas to see Lana cleaning the dishes. I walk in quietly and crawl on a bar stool up at the counter. I put my elbow on the countertop and rest my chin in my hand as I watch her work. Once all the dishes are in the dish washer, she washes her hands and dries them on a towel hanging on the handle of the oven, still not noticing me. Finally she turns around and sees me and screams. I can't help but laugh at her reaction. "Jeez Jen, you almost gave me a heart attack!" She says coming over to me to kiss me. "Sorry I couldn't resist." I say after we kiss. She puts her hand gently over my belly, which isn't more than just a small bumb which is barely visible. "You ready for to see our baby for the first time?" Lana asks and I nod my head. I get off the chair and head to the car.

Lana's POV:
I laugh at Jen's excitement before I follow her to her car. By the time I get there, she's already in the drivers seat with the car on. I jump into the car and we drive to the hospital. Once we find a spot, we get out and sign in at the front desk after we enter the building. Jen signs some paper work and after about 20 minutes, her name is called and we follow the nurse into the small room with a bed and the ultrasound machine. "Jen, I'm going to have you lay down and pull up your shirt while I put the gel on you." The nurse said as she grabbed the gel off a shelf. She squirted some onto Jen's stomach and then grabbed the transducer that was attached to the machine. She flipped on the machine and placed the transducer on her belly and began to gently glide it around. She finally stopped when she spotted the fetus. It didn't look like much of anything except for a blob, until she moved it around a little and you could begin to make out the image of a body and head. I smile at Jen who is smiling up at the screen when she catches my eyes. The nurse runs some measurements before turning off the machine. "Everything looks good Ms. Morrison you have one healthy baby." She says with a smile as she hands Jen a box of tissues to wipe the jell off her belly. "Thanks." Jen says with a smile and grabs a few tissues from the box before wiping the gel off. "If you want you guys can schedule your next appointment with the front desk that will be for the gender and a checkup." She said and Jen and I smile and thank her before heading back out into the lobby. We hold hands as we walk out of the room, down the hallway and into the lobby. We reach the desk and schedule our next appointment for six weeks from now before we walk out the front door together. We get in the car but Jen doesn't start it right away. "Wow Lana, I can't believe it! We are actually going to have a baby!" She says and a tear trickles down her cheek. "I can't believe it either. Its going to be amazing." I say to her.

Jen's POV:
"But what if I'm not fit to be a mother?" I ask Lana who grabs my hand and looks lovingly into my eyes. "Jen, you are going to make a great mother. You won't be alone either you have Sara and I to help you too." Lana says reassuring me. I smile at her before I put the keys in the ignition and start the car.

When we get home we notice that something isn't right from the moment we pull up in the driveway. I look towards the window and that's when I see it's shattered and the door is busted open. "Oh god... Lana!" I say pointing toward the broken window. We back the car out of the driveway and park on the street instead for safety. I reach in my back pocket and pull out my phone and call the police. They arrive 10 minutes later, Lana and I still haven't moved. We rolled down the windows to see if we could hear barking. We did hear barking, but only Ava's and when Lana noticed, she began to get tears in her eyes. When the police finally get here, they walk up to us and we explain to them what we saw. "Okay, ma'am. Do you guys have any pets?" One of the officers asks me. "Yes, two dogs, Ava is the smaller white one, Lola is the bigger brown one." I explain. He nods. "Okay, please wait here while we have a look around." He said and they walked into our house. We sat in the car for another half an hour, until they came back out to speak to us, carrying Ava in their arms. They handed Ava to me and I hugged her tight. I could feel her body shake in my arms, but she seemed to be okay other than that. Lana looked up at the officers "and what about Lola?" She asked already getting an idea of the news. "Sorry miss... We found her body in a closet in the hallway. She was covered in jackets so someone obviously his her in there." He said and Lana broke down in tears. I hugged her and did my best to comfort her with no prevail. "How could anyone do this?" Lana yelled angirly. "We don't know yet, but it might be best if you guys spend the night somewhere else while we investigate. Is there anyone who you are expecting to come by tonight?" The other officer asked looking between Lana and I. I answered because Lana was stl crying. "Yes, our 16 year old daughter, Sara." I answer and he nods. "Why don't you give her a call and let her know what's going on." He says and I nod before they walk off.

A/N: thank you all so much for reading! I hope your enjoying this!❤ who do you think broke into their house and killed Lola? Feel free to answer in the comments👍

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