Happy Valentine's Day

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A/N: I just want to say thank you for all the reads, votes and comments on this story! It inspired me to write this and as cliche as it is, I had a blast writing it. I miss Hashleigh so much. WAHHHH 

"Do you think he will like it?" I ran my hand through my newly chopped hair. It was a big change from the long blonde hair that I normally had. "Nicks?"

"Yeah, yeah. You're a total babe and that guy loves you. So of course he will like it." My best friend came up to me and ruffled my hair, messing it up. "There you go. The fresh 'I just had sex' look. It suits you." She winked and walked away.

"Seriously. He loved my long hair. I don't know about this." I frowned. I did miss the length, but the cut was adorable, just above my shoulders and a lighter blonde with more highlights. I took in a deep breath and then laughed because I had realized something. "His hair is now possible twice the length of mine." I chuckled.

"Oh my god. It is." Nicks snort-laughed. "Will he ever get a hair cut?"

"I don't think so. I think he had a bet with Niall or something." I shook my head. For a while there, Harry had some greasy hair and it was less than pleasing. "He calls it his mane now. You know, like a lion." I shook my head and then checked myself out in the salon mirror one more time. "Okay. I like it. He'll like it."

"He will because he loves you."

"He better. It's been what- five years?" Yeah, five years since my brother got married. Since I met Harry. Since I sent that creep to jail. Since I started living on my own. Since a lot of things. That's five years with Harry. Five amazing years. I sighed contently. "I think he forgot about Valentines day though. I looked through his phone to see if he made any reservations anywhere. Nope."

"You looked through his phone? You're one of those girlfriends?" I sighed, this time it was more like a groan.

"You mean to tell me you never went through Niall's phone when you guys were together?" I asked. It had to be a normal thing. I don't know. Maybe I was being nosy and annoying.

"No. Never."

"Well then." I huffed. "Anyways. He didn't make any reservations." Nicks and I left the salon after I paid for my new haircut and got into my Prius and drove back to my place. "So what are you and- oh crap. What's his name again?"

"Matt." Nicks laughed. "Eh, I don't think were going to do anything. I don't really like him anymore." Figures. She was always with some guy or another. At this point I didn't even learn their names because they never stuck around for long. I really thought her and Niall would last, but it was short lived. We pulled into my apartment complex and Harry's car was sitting in the from parking spot. "I'm gonna head out after I get my things from inside." Nicks spoke up. She lived about an hour away. We all moved away from campus, but still lived in the same state like before.

"Alright." We parked and got out. As we walked past Harry's car I noticed that the snow on it had been scraped off and he had been out doing things while I was gone. "Wonder where he went this morning." Being as it was mid February at we were in Connecticut there was a plethora of snow on the ground on the cars in the parking lot.

"He probably filled the apartment with a thousand flowers and is going to woo you and then get down on one knee and ask for your hand in marriage~" Nicks twirled around. "I will be the MOH right?"


"Maid. Of. Honor." She laughed. "But seriously. He could ask you today. You've been together for five years."

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