Chapter 20

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There was a team of people around my apartment. They were in uniforms and held kits as they examined the damage done to my belongings. A few policemen took away the man Liam had pinned to the ground. I pushed my face further into Harry’s chest when the man looked over at me. The police pulled him from the room and Liam stood there and watched Harry and I.

Harry had his arms wrapped around my tightly and I felt safe in his embrace. The comfort from his actions lulled me into a peaceful state. I had finally stopped shaking when they got my attacker out of the room and I pulled my head away from Harry’s chest to look around the room. It was a mess. My nightstand was knocked over, as was the lamp that sat atop it. My room’s door was busted and broken with wood splinters surrounding the lock.

“Ashleigh, are you-“ Liam asked, stepping forward. He was about to put a hand on my shoulder, but I flinched away and Harry’s arms tightened around me. “Sorry.”

“She’s fine.” Harry answered, a slightly growl in his voice. I looked up at him his jaw was clenched. “Go get your arm checked out.” Harry nodded towards the door and Liam shrugged.

“What happened to your arm?” I asked, pulling away from Harry once more. Harry loosened his grip, but still kept a hand on the ripped portion of my shorts. I looked at Liam’s arm and saw that a small trickle of blood was dripping down his arm. “Are you hurt?”

“Don’t worry about me. You’re the one I am worried about.” Liam answered me back, holding his arm and wincing.

“Yeah, don’t worry about him.” Harry turned me towards him and grabbed my chin. He looked me straight in the eyes. His green eyes were soft and unlike they had ben before at the bar. I glanced at his lips and reveled in the moment when we kissed. My hands found there way up to his jawline and I pushed myself forward, pressing my lips against his. He pulled back immediately and stared at me with a confused look on his face.

I blushed immediately and pulled away, hiding my face in his chest. “Th-that was a thank you kiss.” I mumbled, feeling hot tears forming in my eyes. Those men could have done so much more to me if my saviors hadn’t showed up when they did. Liam and Harry were my saviors, and the way that Harry was holding me closely made me feel like he was something more. It was all so confusing. I wiped my tears away and sniffled.

“You’re getting your snot on my shirt.” Harry chuckled. I laughed along with him and punched him in the chest. He smiled and it was the most genuine smile I had seen in a long time. He swiped thumb under my eyes and wiped away a single tear. “The paramedics are here.” He looked up, glancing at the doorway. I followed his gaze and saw two paramedics standing there with their kits.

“Miss White, we’re here to check you for injuries. Do you mind if we come in?” They asked politely and entered the room when I nodded and Harry let his arms fall from me. I held my ripped shorts and underwear together so that they didn’t fall from my waist. I sat at the edge of my bed and breathed in deeply. Harry sat next to me and blew air onto his knuckles. They were cut up most likely from punching one of the guys in the face.

“We would like to take you to the hospital if you would like a doctor to perform a rape kit.” They looked at me apologetically and I shook my head. “Miss White.” They said a little more sternly.

“I wasn’t- They didn’t-“ They sighed, almost relieved at my response. Harry sighed heavily next to me and ran his fingers through his hair, tugging at his roots. He mumbled something that I couldn’t quite hear, but when he looked up at me he had a look of relief washed over his face. The rest of the time, the paramedics cleaned the cut on my cheek and assessed any other damage done to my body.

“Ashleigh, I have to go talk to the police.” Harry said, standing up from the bed. I instantly grabbed the hem of his shirt. He looked back at me with a sad look on his face. “I can get Liam…”

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