Chapter 40

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A/N: If you don't want to read the sexy that is Hashleigh just skip down to the break and read the next part that is important to the plot! Thanks!



“Oh god.” I moaned as Harry slid a third finger into me. I didn’t think I could handle anymore of his digits inside of me, but I was mistaken. The pleasure I found in his knuckled fingers sent me over the edge. He worked fast and hit the right spots each time. And just to think, they were only his fingers.

I moaned again and Harry caught my mouth with his, his finger slowing inside of me as he focused more on sloppy kisses. When he realized that he had stopped down there, he quickened up immediately, leaving my breathless.

“How about we move this forward?” Harry questioned, running his hand through his sweat-slicked hair. His chest was rising and falling evenly and I watched as his nostrils flared. I nodded, unable to talk because of my own rapidly beating heart and over worked lungs.

Harry quickly urged me up and over him, straddling his lap. He had gone limp in the short moments that we had stopped moving around with each other and I felt bad for not doing my part. I grabbed him tenderly and stroked my fingers up and down his length, making sure to add a little twist to get him off.

Harry pushed his head back into the pillow he was laying on and moaned softly. I worked him faster and soon enough he was panting and hard beneath me. “Okay, alright. You good?” I breathed, feeling an ache in my core. I wanted him so badly.

“Do you have condoms here, or is that too risqué for you to have them here?” Harry spoke softly into my ear. His hot breath sent shivers down my spine. I mentally groaned when I realized that I had none in my apartment because I didn’t exactly think that I would be doing a lot of this anytime this year. 

“Just pull out when you think your going to-“ I gulped, thinking about all the wonderful feelings that I would be experiencing in a short moment. I didn’t have to tell Harry anything else because the next second I felt a pressure inside me and an overwhelming pleasure. We moved slowly at first and then once we were both in a rhythm, Harry moved quickly, slamming his hips upward and pounding inside of me.

My body hopping on top of his and I moaned his name while clawing at his inked chest. “Mmmph.” I was in a euphoric stage and all I could do was beg for more. Just then, Harry grabbed my hips and flipped me over onto my back, temporarily slipping out of me. I grumbled as part of the absence of him inside me.

“Love, you want me that bad?” He asked, teasing me slightly. I nodded and he pushed the tip of his d.ick near my entrance. I moaned and he pulled back. “You really do.” He teased more, doing the same motion over again.

“Harry, don’t be an ass.” I growled, grabbing his arms that steadied himself over me. Before I could say another word, Harry slammed inside of me, causing me to gasp loudly. He chuckled at my response and moved quickly in and out of me, speeding up and slowing down. He felt so good inside of me and I never thought that I would feel this way about the guy who lived upstairs. That rude, cocky, arrogant guy upstairs was actually a caring, funny, and dreadfully sexy man in my bed.

“Dear god, this is better than anything I’ve ever had.” Harry breathed into my ear as he slowed his pace. I knew he was nearing his climax. He slowly slid out of me and I frowned because I hadn’t gotten anywhere near my end, but my heart was beating so fast that I feared it couldn’t take anymore of Harry’s girth inside of me.

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