Chapter 22

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When Harry pulled away I was left breathless. My cheeks felt hot and the warmth was spreading throughout my body. Harry smirked at me, a look I didn’t know I had missed until that moment, and stood back, allowing me to open the door. Nicks was standing there with her hands on her hips and a sneer on her face. “What are you two, an item now?”

I couldn’t answer that. I didn’t know for myself. I looked up at Harry who was tugging at the roots of his brown curls. A low grumbled left his lips and he rolled his eyes. “No.” He answered. That hurt a little, but what else could I expect from Harry Styles. I’m pretty sure that once we are back to our own separate lives he will return to his playboy ways and I will return to my hectic life. I wished that it didn’t have to be that way, but I could see no other way around it.

“Uhm, I’ll be back later?” I said, almost as a question. Did he want me back at his place? I could clear my stuff out if he asked, but he hadn’t, so I stayed.

“I won’t be here.” Oh. “I have some things I have to do.” Harry leaned against the doorframe. Nicks impatiently tapped me on the shoulder, urging me to leave behind the chocolate haired model. I ignored her for a moment more and stared at Harry. He pursed his lips and then his eyes lit up like he had an idea. “Give me your phone, love.” I became flustered and fumbled around for my phone that was in the pocket of my sweats. I handed it to him and he tapped in numbers and such into the contacts. “There.” He handed my phone back to me and I realized that he had sent himself a text, successfully exchanging numbers.

“Ashleigh, come on.” Nicks grabbed my shoulder and pulled me away from Harry’s doorway. I gave a small wave goodbye and Harry shook his head while laughing. His features were ten times more attractive when he was smiling. I looked back once more, but by that time Harry had closed the door to his apartment, disappearing inside. “You’re decision making is horrendous.” Nicks pulled me along and soon we were back at my apartment

My door was still broken and I had to take a deep breath before going inside. Everything was cleaned up, minus the few broken drawers that needed fixed along with the door. I cautiously stepped around the apartment like someone was about to jump around the corner. Nicks saw my discomfort and walked slowly with me to the bathroom where I could take a shower.

I hated being afraid of my own apartment and I really needed to do something about that. I was leaving for a little bit to stay with my parents, but what do I do after that? Can I come back to this apartment? I locked the door to the bathroom and stepped into the shower after it had heated up. The water felt so good against my skin. I stood there, letting the water rush down my sore body. The cut on my cheek was healing, but still stung when the water hit it.

When I finished up I stepped out and wrapped a towel around myself. I swiped my hand over my fogged up mirror and looked at myself. I sighed heavily and pulled my wet hair to the side. The bruises were darkening and healing. They were ugly and caused a dull pain to reside all over my body.

I was taken from my thought when a knock came to the door. I jumped and held onto the counter, dropping my towel to the ground. I quickly gathered it again and opened the door. Steam poured out of the small bathroom. “Got you some clothes.” Nicks handed me a pile of comfortable looking clothes.

“All ready?” Nicks asked once I left the bathroom, fully dressed and looking decent. I nodded and we were on our way out the door, leaving my broken apartment behind. That day I called my landlord and requested that things be fixed. I also talked to him briefly about ending a lease early. He said it would cost me, so I had to think about it. I know that they caught the one guy thanks to Harry and Liam, but the other man was still out there. There wasn’t very much of a chance of him coming back around, but he could, and that made me want to get out of there badly. I was going to talk to my parents about it, once I told them everything. Having their input would really help me make a decision.

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