Chapter 5

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 Have you ever heard of this thing about twins? Where the first one born is essentially there to welcome the second born to the world. This means I'm basically a queen and my twin brother, Mitch, is my slave. I learned that when I was roaming the Internet, watching random videos and reading blogs. You come across some interesting stuff on the Internet, especially, on a weekend where you have nothing to do except lounge about and eat all the unhealthy food.

As I continued to browse the Internet, my icon for video chat popped up on the lower right corner my screen. As if I was speaking of the devil, Mitch was calling. I hadn't talked to him at all that past week, what with being busy getting ready for school and situating myself in my apartment. I clicked the pop up and the green light turned on near my camera.

"Hello, hello. Queen speaking!" I flipped my hair casually over my shoulder and my brother laughed. His face was a bit lagged due to my semi-shit Wi Fi, but the effect of seeing him was still the same. He looked just as I had last seen him, short blond hair tossed up in the front, hazel eyes wide with excitement.

“What’s with that?”  He asked me. I shrugged, not really knowing how to explain it without him judging me for it. His laugh filled the air and I couldn’t help but chuckle a little myself. “How are things back home in Connecticut?”  

“Well, it’s not home home, but well enough. I have my own home. Which you have yet to see.” I reminded him, turning the computer quickly to show him a small tour of the place. There really isn’t much, but it’s mine. “How’s New York?”

Mitch shrugged. “Same old, same old. Bustling city. Too many parties. Oh! I think I am getting a paid internship at this publishing firm I had been looking into.”


 I smiled. It was great news. Mitch was moving up in the world. I was so happy for him. “That’s amazing, Mitch! I hope you get it!” We sat in comfortable silence, watching each other’s faces.

“How about that neighbor of yours?”  Mitch broke the silence. He wiggled his eyebrows at me. I gave him a questioning look. There was no way he could have known about Harry. He laughed again. “Nicole told me about him. And before you ask, yes, I do talk to Nicole from time to time. She keeps me updated on things that you don’t tell me about. So who is this guy?”

“You know…. Just a guy.” I rolled my shoulders, playing with my hair. “He’s really noisy and a little intimidating.” I tried to play it off like Harry didn’t really bother me, but in reality he did. He was always on my mind and I didn’t want him to be. He was just always there and always did the strangest things that normal people just wouldn’t do. Like yesterday, for instance, when he got in my face and grabbed me out of nowhere. What was that even? “He’s no one.”

Mitch wasn’t having it. I could see it on his pixelated face. He frowned at me and then something sounded off from his side of the video. It sounded like a doorbell, but the sound on my computer was crap, so I wasn’t sure. “Gotta go, Sis. Hanna is here.” I smiled and waved to my brother. Hanna was his girlfriend of a few years. Whatever time he didn’t spend doing his work, he was with her. “Oh, she wants to say hello.” Mitch said quickly, moving away from his camera. Soon, a plump face with flowing, brown waves of hair came into view. “Hey Ashleigh! Sorry to steal Mitch away. We have a date.”  Hanna smiled and waved into the camera. She was just too cute and perfect for my brother. “You should come visit some time!”  She chirped. I smiled and thought about it. New York wasn’t a bad trip.

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