Chapter 9

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Well, Niall was right when he said Harry probably wouldn't come to breakfast, but Nicks didn't come back empty handed. She came back to my apartment with Liam and Danielle at her side. They looked like they were in the same boat as Niall and I. Danielle had her curls purled back into a tight ponytail and Liam had a bit of morning scruff on his usually clean-shaven face. They looked tired, and, well, really hungover.

"What a party last night." I chuckled, giving Danielle and hug and then Liam. "Niall here scared the crap out of me this morning. I forgot that I invited him over. I might have drunk a little too much."

Liam's eyes widened and he looked at Niall. Niall shook his head at Liam and I realized what the look was for. Liam worried about the same thing I did. I knew I liked him. He was going to be a good friend, much like Niall. Although, I still wanted to befriend another person. He wasn't friendly. He was rude and a womanizer, but I still wanted to be friends with Harry. I knew it was stupid to think that any kind of friendship could come between Harry and I, but I still hoped. It was like I believed that being friends with Harry would be better for his attitude, I don't know. I'd like to believe I could change him.

"So, no Harry?" I asked, Nicks, looking out into the hall to make sure she wasn't hiding him around the corner.

"You sound disappointed." Nicks pointed out. Was that disappointment in my voice? I didn't think it was. Why would I be disappointed? "Sadly no Harry. Wouldn't even answer his door." Nicks pouted.

I sighed. "Probably found another girl to sleep with last night and he's recuperating." I said a tad bit too grouchily. I grabbed my keys from my wall hook right by my door. I turned around to see the four of them staring at me. "What?" I asked, shortly.

"You really are disappointed." Niall spoke up, chuckling. "I still don't get it. You could have anyone in the world and your eyes are set on that guy." Psssh. Anyone in the world? Don't kid yourself Niall. I'm a lone fish in the ocean.

"For the last time. I do not like Harry." I huffed, walking out the door. They followed me in silence, with Nicks locking the door on the way out. She caught up to me at the front of the group and nudged me.

"You so like him. Don't try to deny it." She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I groaned. Okay. There was a little part of me that liked Harry, but that's me, liking the bad guys. It's bad for my health. Plus, I wasn't in the correct state to pick up a relationship. I was still hurting from the last one, slowly getting over it, but still hurting. I frowned and Nicks nudged me playfully again. "Why don't you go for it?" Nicks winked at me and hip checked me.

"Harry is very... abrasive."

"That's Harry for you." Danielle stepped up beside Nicks and me.

"Why is he like that?" I asked. I was interested in why Harry was such a rough and intimidating person. There had to be a reason.

Danielle shrugged. "I'm not sure. I've only known Harry since we moved in over the summer. Liam's been his friend longer. They just clicked, I guess." She smiled. "Connected over both being from the UK. He would know more about Harry."

"Talking about me?" Liam wrapped his arms around Danielle's waist as we headed to my car. She giggled, kicking her legs out when Liam picked her up. I couldn't help but be jealous of them and their cuteness.

"We were talking about Harry actually." Nicks spoke up. Liam let Danielle down and I unlocked my car. Niall and Danielle slid into the backseat. Before Liam got inside as well, filling up the back seat of my Prius, Nicks questioned him. "Do you know why he's such a stick in the mud?"

Liam's brows furrowed. He knew something, but he remained silent. "He's just-" He bit his bottom lip and I waited for the answer. "He's just Harry." Well, that wasn't the answer I was looking for, but there was no need to press further. I just wanted waffles.

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