Chapter 42

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I woke up sweating terribly a couple days after the trial. I had one of those nightmares about trying to run away from the monster chasing you, but I wasn’t getting anywhere. Ugh, I hate those. I sat up and my hair stuck to my forehead. I was glad that my bangs had grown out somewhat since the last time Nicks chopped them off.


I was pretty sure that the reason I had a nightmare about something, or rather someone, chasing me was because Harry had gone back to his apartment just the night before. And that left me alone in my apartment, tossing and turning in my sleep.

This something or someone that was chasing me in my dreams was a guy who vaguely looked like Marcus, but also had a strange appearance like Harry. It baffled me even when I was awake. For one, I shouldn’t be scared of Harry because he would never hurt me. And two, Marcus was in jail. Dave was in Jail. Zayn was even in jail for thirty days. I didn’t have to worry about them coming to get me. But the thought still terrified me.

I proceeded to get up from my bed and wander over to the shower to wash off this gross sweaty smell. As I was standing in the shower I thought of things to do for the day and the only thing that I could think about was asking Harry again about the wedding. He shot it down so quickly that last time I asked, but I figured if I asked him at a different time that he would change his mind.

When I found my M.I.A phone under the couch, I realized that I had three missed calls from my brother. I had called him back the day after the trial and we talked about wedding plans. He put Hanna on the phone and she went on and on about the dresses. I hoped they wouldn’t be expensive because I have heard of bridesmaids paying for their own dresses, and well, I wasn’t made of money. But thank god, minutes after gushing over colors Hanna told me not to worry because her parents made a lot of money or something.

So now, two days later, I was worrying about having a date to my brother’s wedding, which was coming up fast. One thing Nicks failed to tell me about was that my brother had told her that the wedding was moved up by a month. So, now I only had a month and a half to convince Harry to join me.

To Harry: Come over?

I sent a quick text to the boy upstairs and waited patiently for a response. I ended up grabbing something quick to eat, that being a bowl of Reese’s Puffs cereal. I checked my phone every few minutes until Harry finally replied, telling me that he would be on his way. That was when I heard his footsteps upstairs and smiled. “Must have been sleeping.” I muttered to myself.

A knock came to my door and I skipped over to it, swinging it open and wrapping my arms around Harry. He pulled back and walked past me. “Sorry, love. I have a lot of things to do today, what did you want?” He leaned against my kitchen counter and crossed his arms over his chest. He lifted a single eyebrow at me and I was a little taken back by his actions.

“Uh, I just wanted to see you?” It came out as more of a question then a statement. I instantly corrected myself. “I mean, I missed you this morning.” I batted my eyelashes at him, hoping to get something out of him, but he continued to be stoic and seemingly uninterested.

“Yeah, I had some things I had to do for a friend last night.” Oh, that worried me a bit. Last time he helped out a friend it ended badly. “Nothing big, don’t worry about it.” He pushed the issue (could I even call it that?) to the side and then he pushed himself away from the countertop.

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