Chapter 17

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 I tried to get those green eyes out of my head. They were penetrating and alluring. I hated them. I hated Harry. He would never leave me alone. Every time I turned around, he was there. He was everywhere, including inside of my head.

Why me?

The shot that I had just taken along with the others before it made my mind fuzzy. I swayed outside and ignored the shouts coming after me. I needed to get away. I always needed to get away. I knew that I ran away from my problems. It was what I did best.

It had begun to rain when we were inside the bar. I only realized when I stepped outside and my body became soaked from the rain falling from the sky. It felt good. I stood there and stared up at the sky and let the droplets of water hit my eyelids. The rain was probably ruining my makeup, but I could care less. It looked like I could never get away from Harry. I liked that I went to a small school, but it was becoming too small for my liking.

“Hey, what’s going on?” I heard Louis behind me. He had grabbed his coat and draped it over my shoulders. “You’re going to get sick standing out in the rain.” He urged me to go back inside, but I refused.

“I just need to catch my breath. Don’t worry about me. Go back inside.” I pushed him away slightly and he looked hurt. Sorry, Louis. I silently apologized. He pursed his lips together and shrugged.

“Harry was right about you. You definitely have a stick up your ass.” He grabbed his coat from my shoulders and pulled it away with him as he stalked back into the bar. I should’ve figured that Louis was a friend of Harry’s as well. Everything seemed to be revolving around him. I hated it. I needed out.

I walked down the street a ways in the rain. I was soaked to the bone and shivering. I held my arms around my body and sighed. I should have just called a cab to take me back to my apartment. There was no way I would enjoy the night after Harry being there and Louis’ revealing words. I groaned and sat on a bench, pushing my wet hair from my face. I sat there for a while with my face in my hands.

I thought about what brought me to Eastern. The distance away from home was nice, but all I wanted to do was be home at that point. The campus was beautiful, yet the rain washing down on the streets turned it into an ugly mess. The classes were perfect for what I wanted to do; then again I couldn’t even concentrate in them. My mind was always swarming with thoughts about my hectic life. I never got enough sleep because of Harry above me having sex with whichever girl he had chosen for the night. I found myself annoyed at and jealous of those girls. I hated it so much.

After I had sobered up in the rain, I found myself shivered uncontrollably due to the cold rain that came down upon me. I hugged myself, trying to get myself to warm up. I was a block or two away from the bar. I could barely see it through the rain and my blurred vision. I pushed my hair from my face again and sputtered water from my lips with a sigh.

I got up from the bench and rang out my now ruined shirt. I only looked up when a car pulled up alongside the road and honked its horn at me. The passenger window rolled down and I couldn’t believe I was relieved to see who was inside. Jake smiled at me and asked me what I was doing out in the rain. I couldn’t believe that I walked up to his car, but I did and the words left my mouth before I could stop myself.

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