Chapter 26

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Shorter. Light Hair. Round face. Bigger build. I tried to remember what ‘Marcus’ looked like that night, but my mind kept going back to the guy who attacked me, not the guy who got away. My mind was stuck on that scar above his brow and the way his rough hands felt against my skin. I shook my head from side to side and cleared my thoughts. I focused on the road and made my way back to campus. I had about thirty more minutes of driving left and then I had to wait for about a half hour until I could show up at the police station.

I was scared. That was the best way to describe it. I was glad that they had suspects and that they were one step closer to catching the creep, but I also didn’t want to face him. I mean, I would probably be behind one of those one-way glass walls, but still. What if he was there? Or worse, what if he wasn’t?

I groaned and pulled off the highway. I turned my car radio up high and blasted away my frantic thoughts with the tunes of Bastille. After another half hour of driving I found myself parked in front of the police station, waiting for five o’ clock to come around. I nervously tapped my fingers on my steering wheel and breathed in and out evenly. I watched as police officers, adorned in their uniforms walked to and from the building. Other people, who were definitely not part of the department walked around as well. I saw a few guys walk into the building and I couldn’t help but think that they were being brought in for questioning and the line up.

I rested my forehead against my steering wheel and puffed out a heavy breath. I turned my car off and grabbed my purse. It was almost five, and I guess being early wouldn’t be too much of a hassle. When I stepped out of my car I felt instantly sick to my stomach. I debated getting back and putting all of this junk behind me and move on with my life, but I toughened up and powered my way up to the front entrance.

“H-hi, I’m here to see Deputy Richard… Marks?” I asked the clerical officer who was working at the front desk. She looked up at me and then looked back at her computer screen and began typing. “Uhm….”

“He’ll be right out.” She looked up and smiled. I gave her an awkward smile and return and turned around to sit on one of the chairs in the small waiting area. Right at five o’clock, the door towards the back of the building opened and the deputy who had been at my apartment the night it got broken into.

“Ah, Miss White. We’ve met before, but let me introduce myself again. I’m deputy Richard Marks. I’m working your case with a few others. I’m happy to see that you are doing well.” He extended his hand for me to shake and I took it with a smile. He was an attractive man, probably around the same age as my dad, maybe a little younger. I felt at ease around him and that was something I was glad for because I had been a big ball of nerves up until that moment. “You can follow me.” He guided me through the back doors to a small area with a large window.

“So this is it? Do you think you found him?” I gulped, steadily holding onto the edge of the large window. The other side of the glass was dark, but I could see the darker shadows of the guys being led into the room. I shook terribly until a hand was placed on my shoulder to calm me down.

“We’re trying. We hope that you could identity the suspect so that we can make an arrest. We have already had several others come in who think that they saw the man, but no one had enough memories from their break ins to make a definite conclusion. You, unfortunate as it sounds, were one of the only people who saw a face. You and your friend, Liam Payne.”

“Is Liam coming in as well?”

“He is actually next to be called about this. We’re working as quickly as possible, Miss.” Deputy Marks gave me a sad smile and lowered his hand. “Now, we will show you a line of five men, all who have similar features to those that you described. I want you to think really hard and try to pin point the man that aided in your attack.” I nodded, understanding his instructions. He moved over to the side of the window and pressed a button, saying a few things into the speaker that was there as well. “Alright, I’m turning on the light. They won’t be able to see you.”

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