Chapter 28

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After Harry left my apartment I quickly ran to the bathroom and freshened up. I splashed water onto my face and patted my red cheeks. I couldn’t believe that had happened. I never would have thought that it would have come to that between Harry and I. I can’t believe I let him, but man, did I want it. I would like to think that I wouldn’t have gone further with Harry just then, but my body was telling me otherwise. I wanted more of his touch. My skin still tingled form his kisses. My body was over-aroused and he had left to go back to his apartment. I knew he was coming back to watch a movie with me, but a part of me dreaded that he would bail. Was I being too assertive with myself? Hell, Harry was the assertive one. He had been after me since the beginning. Or, at least, I thought he was.

I rethought my situation after staring at myself in the mirror for a good ten minutes. I decided to jump into the shower and cool off my burning body. When I stepped out no more than fifteen minutes later I let the cool water drip down from my hair and down my back. My skin glistened from the beads of water. I checked myself in the mirror and ran my fingers over the bruises that Harry had left on my skin. They were lining my jaw all the way down to my collarbone and one of the worst was right near my breast. I grimaced at them. I would have one hell of a time trying to explain where they came from to my friends. Good thing I stocked up on concealer on my last trip to the store.

I towel dried my hair and my body. I pulled my hair into a messy bun, clipping my short bangs back and out of my eyes. I applied some light foundation to my skin and then some mascara to make my hazel eyes pop. I didn’t know why I was trying so hard. Harry had literally seen me at my worst when I was a sobbing mess. Why would I care about what I looked like now?

I threw my towel into the laundry bin and walked from my bathroom to my room to change. I was stopped halfway by a wolf whistle. “Damn.” Came the low, British voice. I paused and looked over to Harry who was standing in my doorway with new attire. His cheeks were red and he quickly looked away. “Do you always walk around your flat naked? If so, I should come over more often.” He smirked as I shrieked.

I covered myself with my hands, failing to cover anything really. I ran into my room and slammed the door behind me. I breathed heavily and hid my face in my hands. How did I even think that walking from my bathroom to my bedroom, a mere six feet apart from each other I might add, completely buck-ass naked was a good idea?!

I quickly threw some clothes on and made sure I was wearing a sports bra so that it wouldn’t be easy to get off like the last bra had been. I shimmied on a pair of Sophie’s and the same Eastern shirt I had been wearing before. A soft knock came to me door and the low hum of Harry’s voice called through its wooden surface.

“It’s not like I hadn’t seen anything like that before. I think you’re forgetting who I am.” Harry chuckled. I rolled my eyes, knowing that that stupid smirk was on his face. Of course I knew the kind of person Harry was. I heard him all the damn time upstairs. Well, not lately, which made me feel a little better about myself. Harry tapped on the door again, silently coaxing me to come out from the safe confines of my room. I blushed even harder when I opened the door and there Harry was, standing there in all of his perfection. His hair was wet, showing that he had just taken a shower like I had. He glanced down at his hands and I did the same. He was holding a large bowl of buttery popcorn. I smiled when he did. “So, how about that movie?”

“Y-yeah.” I stuttered. “Let my grab my laptop and hook it up to the TV.” I slipped past him and wandered over to my small living room. After setting up my TV, I stood straight and grinned, feeling accomplished. I soon felt Harry’s large hands on my hips. He had wandered over to me and stood close behind me. He playfully squeezed the pudgy flesh there.

“What movie are we watching, love?” He asked. There he went again, adding that little extra word at the end of his sentence. It made my heart skip in my chest. The more that happened around him the more I thought about going to the doctor who my apparent heart palpitations.

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