Chapter 44

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(Harry's POV)

My first thought about a new neighbor in the building was completely different from what I got in real life. I half expected my downstairs neighbor to be some college lad that drank until his days were gone and generally kept to himself. Or at least threw parties for the whole building like Liam, Donnie and I did on the third floor. Either way, I hoped for some normal person to show up and leave my life in peace. But no, I got some girl.

I got some girl who on the first night, after mind-blowing sex with Sandra from my lit class, came upstairs and pounded on my door. I got the nosy girl with the bad attitude and the impossible expectations. I got Ashleigh White.

But there was something about her that intrigued me. Especially, how she looked. I know, I was shallow back then. I was concerned only with my next shag and the tits on my downstairs neighbor. Oh, does she have curves. And they look great in this dress that I am zipping her into.

"All good?" She asked, turning around and cupping her breasts to have them fit more perfectly in her tight fitting dress. It was this ugly shade of purple, but that wasn't her choice. It was Hanna, Ashleigh's brother's bride to be, who had said which color to have the dress be. The style, on the other hand, was completely up to Ashleigh and thank god, because she looked fantastic.

"You look sexy." I said with a slight growl in my voice. I stood a little straighter as my crotch twitched. I thought of the most disgusting thing I could think of to keep my excitement at bay.

Ashleigh smiled at my words and her eyes did this squinting thing that I would go crazy over. Her cheeks would push up and her eyes were almost disappearing. It was a cute thing, though it hid her beautiful hazel eyes. "Okay, so the wedding is in three hours, but I have to be there in thirty to take photos with the bridal party."

I didn't know what I would be doing for the next three hours without her. I didn't know anyone around. The guests wouldn't be arriving for another two or so hours. I was basically at a lost as to what I should do. "Uh, can I join? Not the pictures, but you know, just follow you around."

"What, can my puppy of a boyfriend not keep himself company?" She made this annoying baby voice and I cringed. She laughed and agreed to let me come, but that meant that I had to change out of my band t-shirt and skinny jeans. "Can you please wear the tie?" She asked.

I groaned. "I don't want to wear the tie. I told you that the only reason I agreed to coming to this thing was because I didn't have to wear a tie." I slipped out of my clothes and pulled on the slacks and dress shirt that Ashleigh had picked out for me. I stared at the ugly tie that went along with the rest of the outfit.

"I never agreed to you not wearing the tie." Ashleigh replied. Damn, she caught me. I grimaced as I grabbed the tie. The thing was hideous and I couldn't believe that I was giving into Ashleigh's pleads for me to wear it.

"Go ahead down to the car." I told Ashleigh, throwing her keys at her. We had taken her Prius, damn prissy car I say, to New York where the wedding was being held. She said something about her gas mileage being 'so much better than my man-car.' I guess she was right. "I'll be right down." I slipped my arms through the nice shirt and began buttoning it up. Ashleigh left for the car and when I was finally dressed, I stared at the tie.

I thought about 'accidentally' leaving it in the hotel room, but then I would probably never hear the end of it. Ashleigh was a nagging type of girl. I haven't been able to shake her since I met her.

I tried my best to put up my walls before she could come barging into my life, but she was like a hurricane. She broke through those walls with ease and left me completely speechless and confused as to what to do about her. So I did the thing that came most naturally to me. I became rude and unbearable. It was easier to push people away rather than let them close.

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