Chapter 35

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What was he doing there? What did he want? I looked up at Will and he was just as confused as I was. There stood Zayn, leaning against my Prius, with his hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket and a sneer across his face. When we got closer I got a better look at him. He was just as badly beaten up at Harry way. The fight sure was one hell of a “show.” I still wanted to know why Harry wanted to cover up knowing about the break ins with a fight with Zayn. He had already hurt me with his words and actions before, what was different this time around.

“Talk a walk, Will.” Zayn growled, pushing away from my car. He approached us and the grip on my arm tightened as Will became defensive. “I just want to talk to her.”

“Like hell.” Will barked back in an equally as menacing tone. I looked between the two and Will was much larger and could take on Zayn if he so wished, but I wasn’t up for watching another fight break out around me. It tended to happen more than I wanted.

“Just go, Will.” I said as calmly as I could. I wanted to hear what Zayn had to say. That and I had a can of pepper spray in my purse in case things got out of hand. Will gave me one last look before grumbling in defeat. “I’ll be fine.” I promised him. He let out a heavy sigh and nodded, walking off to his car on the other end of the parking lot. I was then left with Zayn standing there, still near my car. “Why are you here?” I asked right away.

Zayn ignored my question and ask his own, which I guess in turn answered me. “What did Harry tell you?” He glared, taking a step towards me. I stood back, slightly intimidated by his presence. Zayn was definitely there to get answers out of me of what I knew about the break ins.

“Well, I heard that those bruises on your face are just for shits and gigs.” I said cockily. “He told me everything I needed to know, so please just leave.” It wasn’t like I could go to the police. I had no proof other than the words of others about Zayn being involved and knowing where Marcus is.  Sure, the police could look into it, but it had already been a while since everything happened and I’m sure the police had bigger better things to work on.

I grabbed my keys from my purse and made sure my pepper spray was in reach just in case. I walked around the back of my car to get to the driver’s side, but Zayn beat me too it, slamming my door shut just as I opened it slowly. I gasped when Zayn shoved me back by my shoulder. My back hit my car and he stood close to me.

“You don’t say a word about any of that, you hear me? Or else we’ll have to do something worse than just break into your place and mess up a few things.” He glowered at me, placing a hand just by my head. My lungs were working full force as I breathed heavily and my heart pounded in my chest. I shook my head side to side; agreeing with whatever terms Zayn was giving me. “Good.” Zayn pushed back away from my car. I breathed evenly as he walked away. I shook terribly as I reached for my phone, dialing the only person’s number who I knew could help me out.

“Hey, I see you caved.” That cocky, accented voice surprisingly calmed me. I shakily breathed into the phone and Harry knew there was a problem. “Ashleigh, what’s wrong?”


“C-can you come get me?” I asked, telling Harry where I was.

“Shit, Ashleigh. I’m at the airport right now. Give me thirty minutes.” Harry rushed and I could hear him fumbling around with something. I then heard a girl’s voice ask him something. I wondered why he was at the airport as I got inside my car and locked the doors. I was too distraught to drive then, so I waited those thirty minutes until a knock came to my window.

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