Chapter 32

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I halted. There was a knot in my throat that I couldn’t swallow. Had I heard him right? What was a show? Why was he talking to Zayn? I had so many questions, but Harry was still talking on the phone and I was still awkwardly standing in the doorway. He must have not seen me there, because he continued talking to Zayn.

“You just get him around so I can give him a piece of my mind.”


“Shut up. I like her.”

Harry walked around the room and ran his hand through his hair several times. After about five minutes of me listening in, Harry finally hung up the phone and sat down on the bed. I cleared my throat and he looked up, his expression softening when he saw me. “Hey.”

“Hey.” I stepped into the bedroom and walked up to him. “Who was on the phone?” I asked. I knew he was talking to Zayn, but I wanted to see if he would lie. He shrugged and reached out, grabbing my hips and pulling me close.

“No one.” Harry lied. He had done this before, when we had watched a movie together and his phone going off interrupted us. He must have been talking to Zayn then too, because the conversation he had then was much like the one he had just had. I sighed and felt Harry wrap his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into my stomach. I pulled back slightly and he noticed, lifting his head to look up at me. “What’s wrong?”

“I-“ I paused and thought about what I should have done. Harry was keeping something from me, not that I was entitled to know everything about his life, but this involved my life. Zayn knew Marcus. Harry knew something about Zayn. Something was ‘all for show,’ and here I was in his arms. “I think I am going to head back to my place.” I spoke. Harry dropped his arms from around my waist and sat back.


“I’m paying for a place that I hardly sleep in, I want to sleep there. Get my money’s worth.” I walked over to Harry’s dresser where I had folded my dress up and placed my underwear on top. “I can bring your clothes back tomorrow.” I said, starting to walk out of the room.

“Or you can just stay here.” Harry mumbled. I heard his bed creak as he got up. He followed me out of the room and grabbed my hand, stopping me. “Please.” He gave me a pleading look.

“I can’t.” I held my ground and pulled my hand away from Harry. “This whole thing-“ I pointed between Harry and myself. “I don’t know what’s going on exactly. And I want to figure that out.” I sighed and stood there, staring at Harry. He was shirtless and only adorned in a pair of tight fitting, black briefs. His tattoos spread across his chest and his arms. I could have been curled up next to that body that night without a care in the world, but I had to overhear a stupid phone conversation.

“What do you mean?” Harry pressed.

I groaned, not really knowing the answer myself. “I don’t know.” Sighing, I held my dress and panties to my chest and swayed on my tired feet.

“Well when you figure that out let me know.” Harry scoffed. He turned on his feet and walked off back into his room, huffing and puffing the entire way. “Lock the door on your way out!” Harry yelled from the bedroom. His bed creaked again, probably from his crawling into it.

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