Jeup Imagine

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You hid your knees inside your oversized sweater, sitting in front of the door like a dog waiting for his owner.

The knob twisted and the door swung open.
"Oh, you're home!" You ran towards Jeup as you slid your arm around his neck, pulling him for a kiss in the cheek.
"How's work?" you asked.
"It's alright." He shrugged you off and removed his shoes.

"I cooked your favorite food. Wait, I'll just reheat it, it won't take long." you ran excitedly to the kitchen and turned on the stove.
"I'm not hungry."
"It's really good, you'll regret not eating it."
"I'm tired (y/n). "
"Come on Je, just one bite."
"I'll just eat it tomorrow." you sighed in defeat and turned off the stove.
"I bought the movie you wanted, wanna watch it together?"
"I told you, I'm tired okay! Watch it if you want!" he raised his voice. He's very sensitive these days but this is the first time he yelled at you.

Your lips trembled as you try to hold back the tears. You just wanted his attention. He's been out 24/7, you never had a talk with him that lasted for 5 minutes.

Jeup raked his hair backwards and pulled you close. He's breathing heavily. You knew something was wrong.
"Sorry babe." he kissed your forehead and went inside your room probably going to sleep.

It haunted you till the next day. You still couldn't believe he did that.
"(Y/n)!" Aly slams the table, scaring the life out of you, "It's time to go. Why do you look so distressed?"

"Aly.." you whispered.
"Hmm?" she had her back facing you as she clears her table.
"I'm pregnant.. Two months pregnant."

Her eyes were wide open with her jaw dropped as she slowly turns around to face you, like that woman from the The Scream painting.

"Omg! You're going to be a mommy!" she squealed as she jumps in place, "Wait, so you already did it with Jeup?"
"O-ofcourse, we did." she wiggled her eyebrows making it more awkward, "But that's not what's important. "
"Does Jeup know?"

You shook your head and sighed, "He's acting like a grumpy old man lately, I was going to tell him but I couldn't get the right timing."
"What? You could just tell him you're pregnant, like Hey babe the condom failed!" she joked around, making you laugh.

Thanks to Aly's brilliant idea you finally decided to surprise him at work with the good news.

You made you way through the lobby greeted with the employees' warm smiles until you reached the elevator. It opened just in time and you quickly got in. You pressed the close button and pressed 13. The elevator took off, lights blinking as the numbers ascend.

The door ding-ed open. You stepped out of the elevator and began to recall which is his room. That's weird, this place used to be busy when you last came here. Or is it because it's lunch time?

In your hand, the documents which you firmly grip and a small box that rattle when you shake. The excitement just grows as you pass by the doors. You walked straight until you reached the last room. Jeup's office.

You took a deep breath before turning the knob. Everything happened so fast. The immediate rush of pain and regret. The overwhelming amount of emotions you couldn't contain. Every second etched in your memory like frames captured in shutter. As the door opened wider and wider, your vision became clearer and clearer.

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