Jiyong Imagine

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You're walking home from a late-night rehearsal. The street lights were under maintenance so the only source of light you're getting is from the moon and your phone's flashlight.It was very quiet except for the sound of the crickets. You weren't really scared till your phone died leaving you blind in the darkness.

Misfortunes, it seems like it's about to rain, lightning followed by thunder is beginning. The tall grass at the side sways along with the wind.

You continued walking, the road was empty, not a sign of anyone was found except for a guy walking towards your direction with a bottle in his hand, wobbling, desperate to keep his balance.


Goosebumps started forming from head to toe. You didn't mind him, you didn't want to go anywhere near him.
"Well hello." he hic-ed. Ofcourse it creeped you out but you continued walking. You pretended not to hear him and doubled your pace. The drunkard grabbed you and said, "Why don't you join me and let's have some fun."
"I'm sorry mister I have to do something." you tried to break free but his grip was just too tight.


He started being aggressive and pulled you at the side and lay you down by the grass. You cried out and kicked your feet but he still managed to get on top of you.

He started kissing your neck.
"Please, don't! Take my money, my phone! Take it all! Please don't do this." you begged.
"I won't report you to the police I swear. Please!" He started biting your jawline and his saliva was everywhere on your neck.

"Ofcourse you won't report me after I'm done with you. The dead can't speak can they?" he smirked, "And thanks for the offer I'd be glad to take your phone and money." he added. He ripped your shirt revealing your bra. He licked your jawline, your neck, down to your collarbones till his tongue reached your cleavage.

You repeatedly asked for help, he got annoyed so he slapped you hard. Your voice broke and nothing came out from your mouth, just small cries. You can feel your face heat. No one can hear you, you feel so hopeless until you heard running footsteps but your sight was blurred out by your tears.
The drunkard was pulled away from you. He was pinned down to the ground. Countless jabs were thrown on his face till it started bleeding.

"T-Thank Yo-u." you sniffled between your cries.
"Are you alright? Here" he handed you his jacket, "let's get you home."
You recognized his voice. It's Jiyong, your schoolmate, the two of you attend the same dance rehearsal.
"Everything's going to be fine, I'm here now." he carried your things and pulled you away from the drunkard.


Jiyong was holding your hand, you felt so protected. You pointed where your dorm was and both of you arrived. He asked you to clean up first, while he gets the first aid ready since there was no one home to take care of you.

After coming out from the bath you wore a tank and PJs. You found him standing by your door with his phone on his ear.

"Yes, thank you, goodbye." he turned around so you faced down.
"I called the police, they already took care of him."
You were so embarrassed you choked on your words, "Thanks."

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