Suga Imagine

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{ A / n }  Just incase someone doesn't know, Suga's real name is Min Yoongi. He was given the nickname Sugar or Suga by their CEO because his skin is pale & his smile is sweet. ❁
Your bestfriend once again proved you that she's a spawn of Seythan. You stared at yourself at the mirror. This isn't anything you've worn before or even thought about wearing. A black, sleeveless, leather, tube dress. This barely cover half of your ass. There is no way you're going out with this thin clothing.

"Come on (y/n)!" she banged on the bathroom door, convincing you to come out.
"I'm not going out of this bathroom until the party ends!"
"Do you really want to get back with Suga daddy or not?"

"I want to but--"

"Then you have to do this." she completely cut you off.  

You turned around to face the door, arguing with the voices in your head whether to give in to your friend's evil voice whispering in your ear. This will end soon, you thought. For Yoongi, for us.

You were just about to grab the doorknob, when it swung open with the sight of your bestfriend holding your keys and wiggling them in the air. She's wearing a lunatic smirk like she's about to murder someone. The rest of it was a bloody sight of leg-pulling, dragging and forced application of make-up. You were surprise, amazed even, that it turned alright with all the squirming.


The sound of the music and the screams from inside was spilling and you could feel their feet disturbing the ground around you. You just disembarked from the car but you feel like going back, drive home and change to your sweatpants. Why did you even agreed to this? Then you remembered, you never did. You were forced.

"We're here!"
"You don't say." you replied in a bored tone.
"Come on (y/n) let's go." she grabbed your hand as she charged in, pulling you with her.

"Slow down, my heels are killing me."

Inside was a riot of color from the lights, the music was bursting from the speakers. Everyone was a little more hyped up than they should be. Cocktails and tequila slammers. People dancing and grinding their bodies together, shamelessly making out in every corner. It was a stingy sight.

"Are you sure we're in the right party?" you asked with eyes wide open. This isn't the type of party you go to. Sure there's alcohol, dancing and friends but not this. This is like a strip club.

"Yeah, Suga's here."
Your heart clenched to the thought of him doing that with someone else.
"You better find him fast before he ends up on someone's bed." she smirked. This woman, she just knows how to provoke you.

"I'll be back." you stomped off with palms curled into a tight ball.

"Hey (y/n) you look hot tonight. Wanna join us?" Not interested. You shook your head and walked away from them. You heard a lot of catcalling but your thoughts blocked it off. Min Yoongi, where are you?
"Hey beautiful." you felt a hand wrap around your waist and you reflexly slapped it off, "You're tough."

Infront of you was your brother Park Jimin.
"Why are you here?"
"Jimin Oppa to you, lil sis." he slurped on his drink and turned back to you, "To party, it's not like mom told me to babysit you. But I'm keeping an eye on you missy. No grinding, no kissing, nobody goes up to the bedrooms and alcohol's 12% or below."

"Stop bothering her, Jimin." your bestfriend came with drinks in her hand, just in time before Jimin scolds you.
"Here." she handed you a pink drink which you gratefully took. It looks and smells delicious, besides, the air in this place just makes you crazy thirsty.
"Oppa." he corrected and took the drink from my hand when I haven't even had a taste of it, "Water, drink some water (y/n)."

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