Dino Imagine

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{ A / n } Dino's real name is Lee Chan. He's given the names; Mr. Bagpack, Side Dish, Lee Dino, Maknae On Top and Small Giant Maknae. His stage name is an abbreviation of the word Dinosaur. It was given to him because he will dominate the stage. He is a big fan of Michael Jackson, he sees him as a role model. He says his dances don't have many moves but it still has that Jackson move to it and he thinks it's very cool. His hyungs call him Michael Chanson because of that. ❅

A faint thud, followed by someone's knuckles touching your head, as it bobbed forward slightly. You looked up to the person without bothering to straighten up your position-body bent over the table with hands folded over the other to form anything close to the feel of a pillow.

"Wipe your drool."

"Dino." This time you pulled yourself up, wiping the side of your mouth-not that you drool in your sleep, just checking. You wandered your eyes for the wall clock, which was hard to locate with the lights all turned off.
"Shit, what time is it?" you stood up, worried about your unfinished work.
"Relax, I took care of everything." he laughed then pointed to the table you slept on, "Except for that table."

The tables were all clean, the floor was mopped. Dishes are all washed and stowed away. The trash cans were emptied and the garbage were all taken out. He did it all by himself. You felt bad that he had to do everything by himself.

"I-I'll do it." you snatched the rag from his hand, "You can start changing. I'll take care of the rest."
"Okay, hurry up before it gets really late."

An exasperated breath whooshes out of your lungs. Your head began to ache from the sleepless nights of finishing requirements and studying for tomorrow's exams. Sleeping during work hours is intolerable, good thing you weren't caught. You finished off and went to the locker room to change.

"Aren't you done yet?" you heard Dino's voice calling your name.
"Be there in a minute." you tied your hair in a tight ponytail and grabbed your bag before heading out.
"What took you so long?" he asked, his slanted eyes squinting as he pouts.
"You're so cute. Don't ask about it, kid. Just a few routines girls go through." you giggled, messing with his hair and slung your bag to one shoulder. Seriously, face washing, cleansing, reapplying of make-up. There's no way it would take less than an hour. Dino rolled his eyes and proceeded to lock the doors.

"Are you sure you closed the lights?" he made a last-minute check before completely closing the roll-up.
"Yup, and I'm sure you unplugged all the electric equipments." you replied while looking at your fingers.

"Okay, let's go."

Dino walked to your side, fishing his earphones from the pocket of his bag. He plugs it in his phone and stuffs them in his ears, then he pushes his hands in his pockets. Walking to the beat, like he's on his own imaginary stage. When he caught you staring, he takes one bud off and offers them to you.

"No thanks." you shook your head, "I don't want to be blessed with your Michael Jackson playlist."

"Suit yourself." a grin tugged at the side of his lips. Then he threw some sick moves in front of you as you walk, making it hard to keep yourself from smiling. He'd moonwalk to the front, kick the air as he mumble some lyrics. He'd hit his signature glare-then-smile, making anyone's hearts melt.

"God you're so funny." You were laughing the entire time that you didn't notice, it's about to part.

"Bye now, see you tomorrow Lee Chan."
"Get up early. Don't make me come to your house and wake you up, (y/n)." he backfired by also mentioning your full-name.

"What's this disrespectfulness I'm hearing?" you pulled his ear, "I'm older than you."
He cried in pain but that didn't stopped him from roasting you, "But I'm taller."
"By a few inches!" you retorted, showing him your thumb and index finger pressing a small space in between.

You finally let him go and the redness of his ear was obvious. Well, you almost tore it off.
"Go." he hissed, still holding his ear.
"Go ahead, I'll stand here and wait until you get to the streetlight near your house."
"You won't move from where you're standing even if I told you to, would you?" he shook his head and you chuckled under your breath.
"You're really stubborn." you pat his head and waved your hand in front of his face, "Bye bye!"
He'd squirm about him not being a kid anymore, but you just love seeing that annoyed look on his face every time you do.

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