Chapter 3

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Aomine Daiki's POV

Satsuki's been hanging out with that girl with black hair, red eyes and glasses a lot lately. She seems to keep her distance with people and I have never seen her smile. None of my business though.

"Ai-chan! Come and eat lunch with us today!" Satsuki screamed, not waiting for a reply, she pulled her arm and then grabbed mine and dragged us to an empty table. That girl, Mizushima Ai shot me an annoyed look and asked, "Is she always like this?" And I sighed, "Yea." 

"Ne~ Can I join you guys?~" Murasakibara sat down at the table, cradling way too much snacks in his arms. "Oi, where's your lunch?" I asked just to be returned with a 'glare'. "Can I?" A red haired boy with a green haired one following him came up to us. Gosh. Why are they all crowding us?

"Geez..." I sighed just when I spotted a light blue haired figure appear and disappear in the crowd. "Oi, Tetsu!" I called out to him. I met him yesterday, practicing basketball by himself long after the sun had set and we became friends immediately once I realized his passion and love for basketball.

"A friend of yours?" Midorima asked. "Yea." I replied again, still a bit awkward around them. 

"Minna! Listen up!" Satsuki raised her voice.

All eyes shot up to her. "Ai-chan here is going to help me manage the team!" She announced, winking at Mizushima.

"When did I ever agree to that?" Satsuki winced at her tone and the way she narrowed her eyes at her.

"You will come won't you?" Satsuki put on her puppy dog eyes.

"You should come." Tetsu spoke up and I looked at him in surprise since he normally stays quiet around strangers, not to mention I only met him yesterday.

"I don't want to." Her reply was as emotionless as ever. And as she was getting up to leave, the red head spoke,

"But you play basketball don't you?" Mizushima stopped in her tracks and looked at Akashi from the corner of her eye. "And you lost to me yesterday because you were thinking about something else, probably basketball, right?" She kept a straight face, not betraying any emotions at all. 

"It's none of your business." 

Kuroko Tetsuya's POV

I observed her carefully. She seemed to like basketball but for some reason is saying she's not. I wonder what... But from my observation, she is most likely to watch our practice today after school.

And I was right.

She wore a hoodie to not show her face but I know that we all knew it was her but just didn't show it. The sparkle in her eyes when she watched the first stringers play basketball was just too bright for anyone to not notice. It somehow seemed like she was holding back the urge to play. She only shows an expression like this when it comes to basketball.

As she caught my eye, she turned away and walked out the door. Was it just my imagination or did she seem a little sad?

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