Chapter 6

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Mizushima Ai's POV

"Aomine-kun, run 30 laps around the court. I'll give you... 15, no, 10 minutes. Murasaki-kun, jump and dunk on the spot, each foot hmmm... 100 times. Midorima-kun..."

"Mizu-chin, please~ I don't wanna~" 

"Today's oha asa horoscope said that your extracurricular activity will be unexpectedly harsh." 



I gave each member a task to finish and went to oversee Kuroko-kun's training while hearing loud complains from 4 people behind me, make that 3. As usual, he could neither shoot nor dribble but his passes were absurd. I sighed. I had already given him a training table to increase his power, endurance and speed but his natural lack of shooting and dribbling sense, I can't do anything about those. 

I've been managing their training courses for over a month now but sometimes, I have to use all my will to control my body so I won't just suddenly run on court and snatch the ball to play. But even though I still wasn't allowed to play, I felt much better and happier just watching others enjoy the sport I love.

Basketball is fun.

Momoi Satsuki's POV

Weird. Ai-chan missed PE lesson again. 

Actually, to be exact, she never went to ANY of the PE lessons and today when I asked, the teacher said that she has some medical issues. 

I gasped. So that's why! I covered my mouth and tears started blurring my vision.

I felt terrible about how I tried to make her give in and join the basketball club using all sorts of methods. How I always teased her and tried to provoke her. 

I'm so sorry, Ai-chan... 

I ran out of the gym and nobody was outside since each year has joint PE sessions. As I walked around the empty corridor of our floor, I saw a figure at the outdoor basketball court. Black hair tied into a high ponytail. Hmmm... Could it be?

I erased her name from my mind. Not her. I thought. Not her.

But then, suddenly, I caught a glimpse of her eyes under the blinding sunlight. Red. Piercing red. I sprinted down the stairs, slamming open the door to the court and stopped to catch a breathe. 

"Ai-chan..." I puffed.

I looked up after steadying my breathing, wondering why it was taking so long for her to respond. When I looked up, I saw that she wasn't even listening, she was too concentrated in her own game. In and out, crossover, hesitation, spin, fake and fadeaway. The ball landed neatly in the net and before my eyes could catch up, she was already underneath the hoop, catching the ball. 

The huge grin on her face was impossible to not notice. She looked so happy, like she was truly enjoying something for the first time. I wanted to call out to her but a hand covered my mouth as I was pulled away. As the grip loosened, I turned around and saw Dai-chan along with the others. 

"Shhh..." Midorin said, glancing at Ai-chan.

I jumped back in surprise and accidently knocked over the rubbish bin. My instincts told me to see if Ai-chan heard but there was no one on the court.


I spun around and saw Ai-chan smiling at me, with a hand reaching outwards. I pushed her hand away and got up on my own, avoiding her gaze. I heard a giggle but soon was replaced with a serious face.

"It's not a good habit to stalk people you know."

I hang my head in shame, my face flushing red. "I-I didn't mean to! I-I..." I whined which made her laugh. "It's okay. Don't worry." 

"Why don't you join the team?" I heard Akashi ask. 

"Because she has medical issues, right?" I replied for her.

When I looked at her, she had a perplexed and bewildered expression but she quickly turned away so I wasn't sure if that expression was just my own imagination or not.

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