Chapter 10

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Mizushima Ai's POV

Today, our basketball team won the finals. Akashi-kun had had given Kuroko-kun some advice on his style which made him put his lack of presence into good use. Now, Kuroko-kun became our trump card and he is one true prankster of our basketball team, shocking every player on the other team when they find him behind them. 

I yawned as I reached home, getting textbooks ready for my tutors. After I finished all the lessons, it was 00:30am and I took a quick shower, going back to my desk, examining the huge pile of homework from both school and tutor I have to finish before sunrise. This had been going on for 3 months already. I haven't quite gotten enough sleep for that long too. 

As I scribbled on my exercise books, my thoughts drifted afar. At 3:45am, I finally finished all the homework and fell asleep as my head hit my pillow. And at 6:00am, my alarm clock beeped. 

As I got dressed and headed to school, I felt a bit light-headed. During second period, black spots started to dance at the edge of my vision and I had to excuse myself and go to the washroom, where I threw up into one of the cubicles. I was feeling sick. 

Aomine Daiki's POV

4th period was PE and we were currently doing football. Since learning her actual reason for not being able to play basketball, we all sort of got the clue of why she never attended PE lessons. It was probably because if she did, many sports club will try to recruit her and I don't think that's what she wants. But after that encounter with her dad, Mizu actually started to come to PE.

When I arrived at the football field, Mizu was already there, dribbling a ball (football dribbling). 

"Oi, Mizu." I said while approaching her. She stopped in her tracks and looked at me, her magenta eyes shone the color gold as it caught the sunlight. "Can we be partners for today?" I asked and she stopped for a second before nodding. 

As we were finished the warmups, Mizu looked kind of pale, her face as white as a sheet of paper while the rest of us looked like ripe apples. "Are you ok?" I asked, touching her elbow and she jumped backwards at my touch, tumbling over the football behind her. "Yea..." She mumbled through loud huffs and puffs. Has she always been this weak?

We started the drills but in the middle of the 3rd set, when I passed the ball to Mizu, she stuck out her leg and tried to kick it but fell forwards, lying on the ground, not moving. I got to her first and carefully turned her around so she was lying on her back. Satsuki and the teacher with the rest of the class crowded around her, pushing me further and further away. 

After 10 minutes, Mizu was lying with her head on Satsuki's lap, resting under the shade of a tree. I sped up my drill and finished before everyone else. I walked towards Satsuki and sat down beside her. That's when I noticed the dark circles under Mizu's long eyelashes. "Huh?" I mumbled. 

Satsuki nodded sadly. "Ai-chan must be tired."

That's when we heard her wince and her eyes shot open, revealing two magenta orbs. 

"Momo...chan. Gomen..." She smiled at Satsuki and when she saw me, she said, "Aomine-kun? Oh..."

I pretended to ignore the fact that she only went oh when she saw me even though I considered myself one of her friends.

Mizu then tried to get up in a hurry but then collapsed into Satsuki's arms immediately, passing out.

When my hand accidentally grazed across her cheek when I was trying to help Satsuki steady her, it was burning.

She was running a high fever.

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