Chapter 20

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I know I never really write from Murasakibara's POV but that's because he doesn't really care about anything... If I do write from his POV more often, it would seem like he's OOC so his POV will be rare. Sorry. 


Murasakibara Atsushi's POV:

"Ne~ Akachin~ Kise-chin's going to replace Haizaki?~" I kept on munching on my umaibo. 

"Oh? It's rare for you to care Murasakibara." Aka-chin stated with his low menacing voice as his two ruby orbs glinted as if he was deep in thought.

"I-I don't..." I murmured. To be honest, I did care about this whole Kise-chin issue. Who wouldn't care about their new teammate? Oh wait. He isn't our teammate yet.

"The promotion test is tomorrow. Is he ready or not? I wonder..." Aka-chin smiled a rather creepy and calculating smile. I wonder too...


"Kuro-chin, can I have that?" I pointed to a meatball on his plate and asked.

"Sure." Kuro-chin pushed his plate towards me, ignoring the shouts from Mine-chin.

"Oi Tetsu! You are so skinny already! Eat more! Oi! Stop ignoring me!"  

Just when my finger was about to make contact with the meatball, it was scooped away by another hand. My eyes followed to the person's head, my own staying in the exact same spot and saw none other than Haizaki Shougo. 

"OI! HAIZAKI! GIVE THAT BACK!!" Mine-chin lost his temper. 

"Oh? Want me to vomit it back out?" Haizaki smirked, one eyebrow raised. 

Mine-chin threw a punch at his face only to be blocked by Aka-chin. Kuro-chin stared at him and whispered.

"It's okay Aomine-kun."

Haizaki smirked even wider and did a thumbs up at Mine-chin, he then slowly turned his hand around into a thumbs down. A vein popped on Mine-chin's forehead. It took Mido-chin and Aka-chin to hold him back down this time. 

"Ne~" I called out to Haizaki and the grey haired jerk snapped his head towards me. I let out a low growl and glared at him, rising to my full height, shaking off the snack wrappers. He jumped backwards, winked at Mizu-chin and Sa-chin and ran off. Aka-chin let go of a pissed Mine-chin and Mizu-chin was scrunching her nose in disgust. Those two had identical expressions on their faces. 

"I saw what happened." Kise-chin appeared in front of us. We looked up at him simultaneously. "I'll beat him for sure." He smiled. We grinned. Kise-chin had a way better personality than Haizaki, actually, his personality might even be the best in the whole school. That, alongside with his good looks made him the social butterfly. 


Mizushima Ai's POV:

"Kise-kun, you're in the first string!!!" I squealed in excitement and patted a sweaty Kise-kun on the back. He smiled meekly at me. 

"Everyone, go to your new string and get on with your practice!" Akashi-kun commanded and everyone got going, no one daring to defy the captain. 

"Kise-kun! I'll go to the convenience store to buy some drinks and snacks for everyone! If you need anything, ask them!" I pointed to Aomine-kun, Kuroko-kun, Midorima-kun and Murasakibara-kun behind me. I waved at him before exiting the gym.


I let go of the grocery bag.

The sound of bottles clashing against the floor...


The feel of the cold icy water splashing against my legs...

I ran, towards the figure which lay on the court, unmoving. The squish and squash my soaked trainers made as I darted across the court. My head was a tangled mess, thoughts were all crumpled together like pieces of tattered and torn paper. I couldn't focus on anything, nothing but just one figure...

"KISE-KUN!" I slipped, tumbling towards him. His head turned in my direction, tears were pouring down his cheeks continuously, endlessly. His shirt was dampened by both sweat and tears. 

"I... I lost..." He choked out. My mind was spinning with thoughts, my chest tight from worry. I was suffocating. Suffocating from seeing my friend in such a horrible state. 

"Mizu. MIZU!" I felt someone's breath against my neck. A firm hand gripped on my shoulder, shaking me lightly. I snapped out of daze.

"W-What happened?" My eyes were wide, from worry and fear. "Haizaki Shougo." Aomine-kun let go of my shoulder and looked away, a look of guilt flashed across his face. 

"Haizaki!" A girl's voice called out. We all looked around and saw Haizaki greeting a girl with brown hair. Even Kise-kun who seemed too exhausted to move sat up, his eyes widening with an undecipherable emotion.

"Can you wait for me outside?" Haizaki spoke and the girl nodded, kissing him on the cheek. Haizaki smiled sweetly at her but after she left, he wiped his cheek in disgust. 

"Oh Kise! Wasn't she your girlfriend?" He mocked. "She was very easy to get. Just a couple of sweet words." He added, whispering while tilting his head, putting on an ever so innocent expression.

"Haizaki Shougo." I hissed, my voice dripping venom. His eyes found mine and he smirked. "Are you jealous?" He pursed his lips and a red tick appeared on my forehead.

"You are going to pay for bullying Kise-kun." I told him. "Bring it on little girl. The only thing you can do is sit there and look pretty. And for your information, you suck at basketball. The reason why you're even part of the first string is because that midget captain took a liking to you." From the corner of my eye, I saw a certain red haired captain look like he was about to rip someone's throat out.

But to be honest, Haizaki probably just said that because his knowledge was very limited. He's only ever seen me play in matches, where I had to wear a hoodie to mask my face so I couldn't move freely. Only Akashi-kun, Aomine-kun, Midorima-kun, Murasakibara-kun and Kuroko-kun have seen me play my actual style of basketball so no wonder Haizaki didn't know. In fact, only Aomine-kun has actually experienced my true basketball style before. In the matches, I've only demonstrated top textbook basketball but did Haizaki really think I am only capable of that? Akashi-kun won't let me play in the first strings just because I'm his shogi partner! I earned my place as a regular!

"Oh really? I'm going to show you what a little girl is capable of doing." I smirked at him and spun a basketball on my finger. "I'm going to show you something you won't ever be able to do, not in a million years. Be prepared to face my original basketball style."

Haizaki didn't look convinced. His next words proved it, "A whole new level of textbook basketball? I'm sooooo scared *sarcasm*!" Another smirk from him. 

I shrugged it off and turned to Akashi-kun who was silent for a little too long. 

"Can I play against him?" 

"Sure. Go easy on him." He grinned and ticked something off his clipboard, one of his crimson eye glittered a faint hue of gold.

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