Chapter 4

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Midorima Shintaro's POV

I decided to befriend Mizushima when I found out she also volunteered as a library assistant. Nowadays, all our conversations were related to books.

"What book are you reading?" I asked her as we took a short break from our basketball practice. She comes to watch every single practice since the placement test. 

"Great Expectations." She replied, showing me the cover.

"You haven't read it before?" 

"Of course I have. It's just this book makes me think a lot." 

I lingered at her words. Think about what? The question was planted in my mind but I decided not to intrude her privacy, instead I decided to think about it myself.

As I was deep in thought, with 100 different possibilities coming to mind, Akashi, Murasakibara, Aomine and Momoi approached us. 

"Do you want to play?" Momoi asked Mizushima.

She shook her head at the question but sighed afterwards.

Mizushima Ai's POV

Basketball... I thought as I did a flip in my room. 

I warm up my body everyday to keep it in shape. My flexibility and reflexes are superior and I see this as my main weapon for all sports. Or maybe, not all but just basketball. I can't forget it, that feeling of playing basketball is incomparable to any other activities. I smiled as I did some more acrobats, taking a shower to rinse away all the sweat and headed to my piano.

I started playing whatever I felt like. Piano is what I had been using to replace basketball. They are similar. I lose myself in the music just like how I used to playing basketball. Maybe... Maybe piano is more suited for me. I had thought and believed until I met them.

Akashi, Aomine, Midorima, Murasakibara, and Kuroko. 

 Their passion for basketball truly moves me. I smiled painfully as I clutched my chest, wrinkling my nose. I've known them for 4 months now and I admire them. Their plays triggered my love for basketball once more, called out to my past once more. But what good does it do when you can't play?

I know what they'd say. 

'You can do it!

I know that clearly. I know that but even if I insisted on playing, my parents won't let me! A tear rolled down my cheeks. Finally, I couldn't hold back anymore and sobbed into my hands, letting my tears splash onto the piano keys. 

"I want to play..." I whined, choking on my words. 

Even Momoi, even she's passionate about basketball. Even though she doesn't play, her attitude towards basketball is no different from them... Wait, a thought struck me. She... doesn't play. 

I could just watch them and come up with training programs just as Momoi had suggested. My tears stopped as I fidgeted, my fingers hovering over the piano keys, unsure what to do. 

I started moving my fingers across the keys, slowly and then gradually into rhythm, letting my imagination flow. I could feel myself smiling and as the tune came into life, I forgot about my worries and focused just on playing. I could feel my smile getting wider, spreading across my face until it reached it's maximum distance and it made it's way back to normal. 

I heaved out a sigh. My decision is made and I won't regret it. I know I won't.

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