Chapter 25

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Kuroko Tetsuya's POV

"Mizushima-san, do you think we have enough stamina for the whole game?" I asked her.

"Who knows. Let's do our best. Yeah?" She shrugged her shoulders and turned around to face me, giving me a close lipped smile. I nodded and we walked into the court.

"Minna, please stand back and watch our new play." I told the others and bowed deeply before getting into my position. 

As the match started, I lashed out for the ball, passing it to Mizushima-san. She then balanced it on the tip of her fingers, earning a smirk from her defender as he tried stealing it but with a flick of her wrist, the ball disappeared... appearing on the other side of the court along with Mizushima-san who was still with her defender a split second ago. One of the defender's nearby reacted first but just as he was about to touch the basketball, it disappeared once more, appearing right in front of another opponent but suddenly curving past just as it grazed across the tip of his middle finger. This time, Mizushima-san materialized under the hoop with the basketball in her hands while everyone, including Akashi-kun and the others were awestruck. Swish. Two points. The first basket was scored in merely 2 seconds into the game. 

It kept up like that, the basketball would always disappear or change courses just as they were about to fall into the opposing team's hands. But then, it would always appear in Mizushima-san's hands and a basket would be scored. At the start, our opponents tried to follow Mizushima-san's footsteps but our coordination play's pace became faster and faster to the point our opponents were so terrified, they broke down. 

"S-She floated across the- the court... and... and t-then later, s-she teleported..." One of our opponents muttered before changing with another player. I smiled in relief that our 'mirage' had worked and had given our opponents an illusion of there being two Mizushima-san at the same time. It only seemed that way because Mizushima-san was running at a speed so fast, people couldn't make out the outline of her body anymore. For the past few days, Mizushima-san was exerting herself to her limit at moving her feet quickly while running. The illusion of her 'floating' was because her feet was moving at such high speed, it was only a blur, therefore, you could only see the top of her body always staying the same but just drifting across the court. About the 'floating' changing into 'teleporting', it's due to 'mirage' being a new technique so Mizushima-san has to pick the pace up little by little before the 'teleporting' effect could be done. Every time she runs, she starts of slowly, moving her feet slower and accelerates, gradually moving her legs faster and faster to her maximum pace, deccelerating in the end. 

We won the game in the end, with our opponents barely even touching the ball. 

"Tetsu, how is that a coordination play? Isn't that a one-man show?" Aomine-kun asked the both  of us. Mizushima-san shook her head in disapproval and I just sighed. Aomine-kun could be so dumb at times. "Aomine, didn't you see Tetsu changing the courses of the basketball?" Midorima-kun asked. Aomine in turn scratched the back of his head, "Doesn't Tetsu always do that?" 

"This time, the speed of the basketball was fast, faster than the ignite pass but it didn't take the preparation time of the ignite pass. It was quick yet strong, it was nearly invisible." Midorima-kun said. "How did you do it? And how did you catch it?" He questioned Mizushima-san and me. I shrugged, Mizushima-san shook her head. Actually, the pass, wasn't perfected yet, it still had many flaws.

Mizushima Ai's POV

"Let's do this Tet-chan! 'Mirage' is working so well!" I exclaimed when everyone else went away. 

"But-" He began. "No buts. We'll catch up to them. We'll play in matches, I promise." I stared into his eyes and he looked away.

"Are you going to be fine? Mizushima-san?" 

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